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Monday, December 30, 2013


     From time to time I heard it said "Investigations can only be done at night"...
I'm here to tell you... that's a crock, a myth.
     You can investigate in broad daylight, of course it may not be as exciting as it would be during the night, but daytime investigating can be very productive, and is perfect for those locations you can't get into during the night hours.
     Ghosts are at a given location no matter if it is day or night. To believe that ghosts only come out during the night is a misconception and it's not just another theory. Many investigators have experienced and caught some of their best evidence during the daylight hours.
     While investigating  at night offers fewer visual distractions, and your senses are already heightened due to the fact that's dark so you're a lot more likely to pay attention to strange noises, feeling sudden changes in the air like hot and cold spots, and because of limited visibility and you will detect any movement more easily.
     (Studies have been done relating ghost activity to the activity of sun spots and while I won't go into a lot of details here I will tell you this...)
     Depending on which study you read, some believe when the sun is active with sun spots the electromagnetic fields are so high that you won't be able trust your EMF (Electro Magnetic Field) readings, and they also believe that ghost will remain quit during these periods.
     On the other hand... Others believe and will recommend that you do your daytime ghost hunts while sun spots are particularly active because it churns up activity as ghost will be feed energy during these high electromagnetic occurrences. Hmmmm, heads or tails.... All I can say is try it for yourself and see what works for you in terms of the suns activity... I believe the most important factors, day or night is location. In many locations the ghost activity is residual and not intelligent. That's to say they are recordings or loops in time.
     In some locations where a tragic event or death took place at a specific time or date some ghost will only make their appearance, so to speak at that specific time of day on a given day of year. A good example could be Gettysburg PA. Many soldiers died in a single afternoon in the battle of Gettysburg.  So to me it just makes sense that you would be more likely to see or capture evident during the day rather than night... and many have. An advantage would also be that there are plenty of locations, no matter where you live, that can be accessed during the day but closed and or in-accessible during the night so investigating during the day opens many new opportunities for you to investigate.
     While daytime ghost hunting has its advantages, it also has its share of disadvantages as well. An advantage of daytime investigating is that photography and video is extremely effective and most everyone already has cameras and video equipment that works excellent under varied lighted conditions.
     You'll be able to capture objects at greater distant as well as see movements at a greater distant during the daylight hours much of which you would most likely be unable to see during the night. Shooting photographs or video during the night your camera's and video equipment is limited to your lighting situations, both natural and inferred. While doing a daytime ghost hunt is to always be aware of your shadow and the shadow of those with you. Knowing where yours and team member's shadows are when shooting in the daytime this will be a big plus when doing your review and will help alleviate some potentially misleading photographs. Do a some research... Check out YouTube, Google images, Yahoo images etc. it's fun and you'll find a ton of better high quality photographs of ghost that were captured during the daylight hours.
     I personally, have no doubts that you can conduct successfull investigations during the day and have participated in many daytime ghost hunts and many of these hunts I did completely by myself and you can too. If you're at work and have an hour for lunch, run down to the cemetery down the block and shoot a few pictures and record some EVPS. Even if you don't get anything the exercise and fresh air will do you good.
     I try to investigate at least a couple cemeteries each month. If I'm fortunate enough to capture some type of evidence that may suggest paranormal activity I then concentrate on that cemetery until  I've collected enough evidence to warrant a night time investigation. Daytime investigating can also play a huge role if you are just getting started in ghost investigating, especially for those who may not yet belong to a team or just has a hard time gathering a group to accompany them on an investigation.
Every time you go out rather it be day or night, you will be gaining investigating experience that will help a new individual fine tune his or her investigating techniques. One drawback to investigating during the day would be on the audio side... EVPs (Electronic Voice Phenomenon) can be no doubt can be picked up during the daylight hours as well, but the ghost hunter must be aware of his/her surroundings. Traffic, lawnmowers, the living and other routine daytime noise can cause contamination as well as interference and you may mistake EVPs that were nothing more than a car passing by the cemetery.
     Try documenting all explainable noises as they occur during this time, then when doing your review identifying true EVP'S will be much easier as you've already identified all recognizable sounds. This is where ghost hunting at night would have a definite advantage. From the audio stand point, sound travels farther at night and many of the routine daytime noises are generally non-existent or at the very least considerably less. If you don't believe that you can capture good evidence during the daylight hours, I challenge you to visit some of your local cemeteries and try it. Take pictures and do some audio work with a voice recorder. Try different times of the day maybe 9 am, one day at 1 pm or maybe 3 pm the next time... remember there aren't any set rules so don't be afraid to experiment.
     Paranormal Investigating is still a developing science. We all are figuring so much of this out as we go along and much of what is discovered has been by trial and error and you can be a part of it by going out and trying different techniques for yourself. So, Can you investigate ghosts during the day....You Bet !!!

Thursday, December 19, 2013

What is Paranormal Responsibility?

      Paranormal Responsibility is understanding your equipment. You must not only know how it works, but why, and by extension, why it is useful for the paranormal researcher to use such a gadget. Don't parrot back the theoretical assumptions of other investigators, come to your own conclusions and do something to elevate this burgeoning science.

     Paranormal Responsibility is understanding your camera. Educate yourself on the basics of photography, gain a working knowledge of your camera's settings, and stop posting false positives as evidence. Experiment with photographic anomalies and learn what conditions create orbs and mists and trails and what you can adjust to avoid them. Implement a bracketing system to capture the same location and angle with multiple camera settings. And this goes towards all your equipment.

     Paranormal Responsibility is to constantly increase your education in this field. Just because you've been in the field for twenty or thirty years doesn't mean you know everything.  There are new advances in technology, books have been written with some great knowledge in them.  Don't become jaded because you have all this experience.  Even doctors who have been in medicine for thirty years still read the journal of medicine to learn new advances in his or her field. We should be doing the same.
     Paranormal Responsibility is voluntary peer review. Get your evidence in front of a wider audience and listen to what they have to say. There will always be skeptics who deny everything and there will always be dramatic-types who see everything in nothing, but the majority of researchers fall somewhere in the middle. Be open to the idea that someone may catch something you have missed, or pose a possible natural explanation to the one piece of evidence you hold most dear. But don't act like a know-it-all either.  When giving your review, do it with professionalism, not demeaning!
      Paranormal Responsibility is paranormal propriety. If you are in a position to represent the paranormal field to the general public, do not act like an ass. This field is already maligned in the mainstream by those who would call us crazy or evil or some combination of both, so it is your responsibility as our willing or unwitting spokesperson not to prove them right.
      Paranormal Responsibility is asking permission to enter any abandoned location, private property, or cemetery after dark, and respecting any property that you have been given the opportunity to investigate. Nothing reflects more negatively on the paranormal field as a whole than a news story about yet another group getting in trouble in the name of special research. Stop creeping and get permission!
      Paranormal Responsibility is knowing your audience. If you are in a position to interact with those who are younger or in possession of less experience than you, do not steer them wrong or put them in harm's way. Do not inadvertently encourage immaturity by bragging of your exploits in forbidden realms. If it's dangerous, don't post details!  It is your responsibility to teach the young and/or inexperienced how to do a proper investigation.  By you not taking responsible for people you know and willingly let them do what they want on an investigation, you're the one who is creating the problem. So take responsibility!!
      Paranormal Responsibility is paranormal integrity. Do not perpetuate a lie, for fun or profit, whether consciously or unconsciously. Don't participate in the charade, and don't join the mob. If truth is your aim, prove it! And if you find someone doing wrong, don't parade it all over Facebook!  When you start drama on social media sites, you look like a jackass just as bad as the person who you're going after. Find another avenue to handle your disagreements. It's time this field as a whole grows up.
       So what does Paranormal Responsibility mean to you?

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

ParaUnity is an Illusion

There are words that need to be hashed out: paraunity, parafamily, paramafia, paracommunity, parafamily, and any other “para” play-on-words one can think of.  Anyone who joins the community is given the speech about coming together as a community and how they all need to stick together.  As fine and dandy as that it is, it is doubtful that everyone really knows what they want with “paraunity.” This term is used to define a sense of family, togetherness, and unification towards a common cause.  One can joke and say paraunity exists, but in reality it does not exist on a large scale.  And it’s time that the paranormal community sits in the hot seat and goes on time out.

In present time, there is now less research, more drama, and bullying from grown adults.  Ironically, the term "paraunity" came from drama itself, as a way to combat drama and instead come together.  The individuals who coined the term are no longer even involved in the field.

As one's journey in the field begins, one will start noticing truly disgusting things about the paranormal community: blatant lying, trash talking, faking evidence, death threats and more.  Was this really coming from the same people who promoted paraunity and parafamily?  If one isn't careful about who they associate with, they risk becoming blacklisted by certain people as well for having different views or questioning things.  Colleagues and friends are being publicly humiliated on Facebook and having lies being spread about them because they questioned evidence.  Those who are new to the field and not as well researched in the field get publicly blasted for posting bad evidence.  There's name-calling, swearing, and disrespect.  It is like a bad reality TV show that made the Jersey Shore look like Emmy Award-winning entertainment sans the bad tans and constant drinking. And yet these are the same people calling for unity and wanting to further the field of the paranormal into a serious field.

The idea of family and unity in the paranormal community is a myth. I wish it wasn't, but its a sad truth.  It’s something that people hide behind.  The term gives people a false sense of security, as they confide with strangers about their paranormal experiences and disclosing intimate details about their personal lives, which that stranger can abuse in the future. Really!? Now, there are people who are really alone in their lives and they have no one else to talk to, and if they get lucky and find someone out there who can help them, that's great!  These people are unfortunately, the victims.  They are the innocent bystanders who watch this drama between the seasoned investigators and so called experts and they are the ones who decide they won’t deal with it and they leave.  This is the biggest loss in the paranormal community! They are the ones who are the most heartbroken when things fall apart. And they are possibly the ones that will come up with that new piece of equipment or proof that ghost exist. but because they leave the field from being scared of being ridiculed for what they are doing, we possibly lose what we have all been searching for all of our lives.

How do we want to represent the paranormal? There are many investigators who want the paranormal field to be respected by fellow researchers and scientists in the world.  But ask yourself this; do your actions reflect your professionalism?  When you rip someone apart on Facebook while using vulgar language, is that how you want to represent the paranormal community?  It seems as though those who are more in the spotlight get attacked the most.  Is that because of jealousy?  Is it because they are more in the hot seat than other teams?  Who knows?

There needs to be a careful review of the actions of paranormal investigators.  Whether they are justifying their actions for the improvement of the greater good, one needs to ask themselves this:
Do the things you post on your team’s page show that you should be taken seriously as an investigator?  Or is it a blast back to high school? Do your actions reflect the field in a professional and positive light?

Also, the more exposure one gets, the more they are going to get criticized.  Be prepared to deal with it and handle it with class and grace.  As someone very wise once said, “Don’t dish it if you can’t take it.”  Playing victim doesn’t help.  If one only produces defensive rants on their pages instead of quality paranormal research findings, they are not positively contributing to the field.  When one is approached with criticism (constructive or…less constructive), how should one react?  Reactions dictate maturity level and how open one is to criticism.

It seems as though certain investigators and teams seem to think that the only way that they can get credibility and fame is to rip apart another team. There are websites and Facebook pages out there dedicated to exposing frauds in the paranormal.  The first image that came to mind was someone being condemned to the stocks in medieval times.  Granted, there are teams out there intentionally faking their evidence, and they should be held accountable for their actions, and there are very qualified people out there to do it.  But sometimes teams post bad evidence out of ignorance.  It happens.  They might be new to the field or exhaustion got the best of them.  Do they deserve to be humiliated and embarrassed?  No.  In those cases, any hope of a learning experience or a teachable moment is gone.  There are ways to expose fraud in the paranormal with the reputation in tact and making it a teachable moment.  It requires a little extra research and actually talking to the guilty team, but is anyone willing to put out that energy?  My team trys all the time.

There is also a trend of attacking groups for holding ticketed events, making films, or just even existing.  But the worst part is, they are using such poor grammar and language.  There is a lot of value and high respect for someone who can express their case with classy language.  Calling people colorful obscenities doesn’t impress.  Again, this all goes back to how the community members as a whole want to represent the paranormal field.

Also, these sites are calling for people to call the attorney general, the police department, etc.  Okay, if there’s no real fraud happening and there isn't confirmation, please don’t waste taxpayer money.  Witness testimony is flawed.  People lie, embellish and exaggerate on purpose.  Memory is unreliable.  And to be honest, it’s easy to part a fool from their money.  If someone is willing to pay a psychic $500 to tell them the things they already know.  Fine.  If someone is willing to use a team that charges to investigate, fine.  It’s going to happen, and the community needs to get over it.  There's a better way to combat this: promote the fact that there are teams who don’t charge.
There needs to be more research and less drama.

It's also important to note that constructive criticism should not be mistaken for bullying.  Just as one should relax and create teachable moments, those on the otherside should not accuse every person who disagrees with their views and opinions of being bullies.

Why spotlight the negativity and the frauds?  Why is there no [popular] place to praise and showcase the investigators and teams who are doing great things to further the field?  Why is the negative getting all of the attention?  The best (and worse) thing you can do to frauds is not call any attention to them and let them be forgotten.  Let the legacy of those who are making positive contributions get the glory and the attention and let them get the immortality.

Also, let’s face it, next to photography; paranormal investigation is probably one of the most expensive hobbies out there.  Unless one has a TV show, a book, etc. that is making income.  But for the majority, this is a hobby for many; a hobby that people work their jobs to support, a hobby that people must be really passionate about.  It’s actually more than a hobby; it’s a way of life.  So why is time being wasted promoting the negative, the fakes, while using cursing to try to get our point across?

Live and let live.  Leave the other teams alone.  Use that energy to raise the standards of paranormal investigating by leading by example.  And if a colleague gets a TV show, a job in the field, etc.  Be happy for them and support them.  If a colleague disagrees with you on a topic, brush it off, discuss it, and move on.  Paraunity isn’t the idea that everyone agrees with the same thing, it’s the mutual understanding and mutual respect of each other, even if you don’t agree with them.

This dream and hope of paraunity will likely never exist on a large plane.  It can probably exist in more smaller, isolated groups…like paranormal teams.  The first step towards any kind of large-scale community is to all agree to disagree, and knowing that it is okay to do so.

There has been a mass exodus of quality researchers from the paranormal community because of all the negativity and this needs to stop.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Paranormal Awards? Are you Serious?

     Hello everyone, I hope everyone is fine and enjoying the season.  Usually I put out my second blog of the week on Thursdays.  Well, I saw a comment on Facebook yesterday and then today about a subject that gets to the raw end of my nerves. The subject is Paranormal Awards.  The comments that I saw were all negative.  "Paranormal Awards?" "Are you Serious?"  etc., etc.,. Well I say yes, there should be a paranormal awards.  And yes, I'm a nominee at these awards for my literary work.  So many people are negative and condescending about it, but why? 

     Let me digress for a minute to make a comparison.  I spent twenty years in the U.S. Marine Corps. Now I wasn't one to just sit back and do my job and then call it a day.  I was one of those that when I saw a chance to make a difference I spoke out. I had the courage to let my higher ups know that I saw a better way to do things or make things more productive and to help save lives.  And for that, I rose quickly through the ranks.  Now there was always those masses that whined and complained about people like me.  You got your promotions for kissing ass or sucking up.  No, I worked my ass off for what I got and I was recognized for those efforts. That's why I was the second youngest Master Sergeant in corps history.

     It's the same thing in the paranormal field. There are so many of you out there that all you do is complain that the paranormal field is going to shit and there are so many people out there doing this wrong or that wrong, making the rest of us look bad.  Yet, what are YOU doing to make it better?  Are you bringing any new type of research forward to make this field better?  Are you writing books to help those that you are complaining about; to educate them to doing things right?  Are you brining your hard work forward to help make the field where through your complaining say it should be? No, you're not.  There are those out there like myself that are having the courage to go out there and put their hard work out to the masses to try and educate the ones that might be doing things wrong.  Did you ever think that the reason these people are doing things wrong is because NOBODY took the time to show them the right way to do it? 

     So you, the masses, instead of putting anything positive forward to help these people to do things properly, you belittle and condemn the ones who are out there doing what you won't do and when the people that do put out the education or research to show on a public stage to help the ones that are doing wrong, instead of praising them, you ridicule them for being recognized at an awards ceremony for their hard work.  Doesn't this sound hypocritical of you?  Why shouldn't they be rewarded for their hard work and effort?

     Now yes, there are those few that are in it for the notoriety and fame, but the majority of the people that are nominated are just normal people like you and me.  The only difference is, they want to help this field move forward and they can care less about fame and fortune. So I challenge you, the masses, instead of complaining about the awards and the people who are put up for them, help us with whatever work you have done to move this field forward like you all say you want. We'll recognize your hard work in the field too. 

     If all you want to do is sit on the sidelines and complain, then your the ones who are dragging this field  down.  Because, unfortunately, in the human race it's easier and takes less energy to sit back and complain what others are doing than it does to have courage to put themselves out there to actually make a difference. So unless your ready to have the courage to put yourselves out there to help this field, then you need to stop putting those that are doing what needs to be done in this field to move it forward down.  Like I said earlier, it just makes you look like a hypocrite and a jealous one-a-be.

     If you like my blog articles, then please check out my newest book, "The Paranormal Dictionary" at:

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Ghosts From The Perspective Of Quantum Reality

Basically, most of us view our entire existence in the physical world based on our logical thinking through our familiar five fundamental senses that limit our understanding of the spirit world. Yet once, David Bohme, the famous Quantum Physicist had said that life and intelligence do not only exist in matter, but also exist within the very fabric of the entire Universe as a Whole. Hence, when we refer to the universe as a whole, it means that it does not only refer to the existence of the physical matter but it also refers to the inner core of human consciousness, the pure energy that holds our thoughts, feelings and experiences as a unique geomagnetic field that originates from the universe itself - the source of life.

     Unfortunately, the existence of spirits that exist in the form of pure energy is beyond the comprehension of human logical thinking. Therefore, in order for us to realize and understand the existence of spirits that exist within our domain, we must understand the basic nature of spirit existence, in that they exist in the form of energy that is able to change into multi-configurations of energy patterns, and we must not be trapped in orthodox thinking that is confined within the law of physical matter.

      Moreover, the fact is, the spirit holds dual citizenship in that they can exist both in the physical world and in the spiritual realm simply because they have no physical body but exist in the form of energy vibrations. In addition, the spirit exists in the form of pure energy that is truly a copy of The Divine light image that cannot be destroyed but may change its configuration instantly according to its needs based on the cause that stimulates its vibrations.

      However, most of us may wonder if the spirit really does exist, because we are unable to see them physically. Yet, it doesn’t mean they don’t exist. Hence, I would like to point out why we cannot seem to see the existence of spirits (pure energy) with the naked eye – it is because we are looking at their existence from the fundamental nature point of view that is limited to our five senses, or that we only may accept that logic in our minds that is based entirely on the familiar three-dimensional world of physical matters that has been assumed by human perception since the days of Isaac Newton.
      Moreover, scientists of physical matters do not believe in the existence of matters that are beyond its scope because such matters exceed the law of logical thinking. Yet at the same times Bohme emphasizes that dividing the living and non-living is completely meaningless in the integrity context of quantum reality. In other words, the physical matter that is the outer shield of human consciousness is equally important as those of the universal consciousness because the fundamental nature and logical thinking enable us to experience the true love that shapes our personality based on the law of cause and effect within space and time.

      Nevertheless, not only our fundamental perceptions have an impact on how we perceive the existence of spirits but in fact most of the time, our minds are clouded with our daily life’s problems that have great impact enough to reduce our awareness of our surroundings, instable emotions or perhaps we tend to view the existence of spirits as demonic. Yet however today, the work of modern quantum physicists, other branches of science and the work of paranormal science research seem to have similar views on the existence of the living energy and consciousness that exists at the higher levels of existence that certainly challenge the perceptions of most people.

      Therefore, scientific tools such as the camera or the video camera can help us view the existence of what we seem to think does not exist. In fact, without the tools mentioned, we are still able to see unseen beings with the naked eye, provided that we have mastered the art of the power of concentration. Similarly, in the paranormal and ghost research field of investigation, positive thinking and visualization are equally important because both of these can help us to concentrate and feel the existence of spirits.

      In fact, applying the Mind-Body-Soul Concept during field investigations has not only enabled us to see or hear voices/movements but also to feel the energy of the spirit existence. In addition, since we belong to the universal consciousness and the entire universe is part of our existence therefore, every one of us is linked together along the axis of universal love. Moreover, understanding the concept of the ‘respect for the dead’ holds the meaning of acceptance and love that create positive energy that not only makes us accept the presence of spirits more easily but which also makes spirits accept us just as easily based on universal love.

      Furthermore, in order for us to attain a high degree of understanding on spiritual consciousness, we need to think differently from what logic tells us, as logic is confined within the law of physical matters. In that way, our spiritual consciousness would then be reawakened because universal consciousness is beyond the comprehension of logical thinking. Hence, understanding the concept of quantum reality will enable us to understand the existence of spirits of low density that are able to vibrate at the high rates of vibrations as well as manifest into multi-configurations of energy patterns. Unfortunately, this living energy at the same times generates doubt among paranormal and ghost researchers when its manifestation is printed on photos or recorded on video cameras, simply because they lack the understanding of the truth behind spirit existence.

      Nevertheless, when we only want to see ghost photos that look like human beings and put the rest aside, it is simply a sign that we lack understanding of the concept of spirit existence because that understanding is based on logical thinking that is confined within the law of physical matters.
      Perhaps it is about time for us to move inwards into our inner soul where the pure energy – the core of our existence which resides in us and is able to vibrates and merge with the universe consciousness, has fully understood the energy pattern that is related to the existence of spirits, so that we would no longer have any doubts in accepting spirit existence. Therefore, we will care, love and respect them so much in whatsoever form they may exist in, all because we better understand these departed souls that have returned and merged with the universe consciousness through our understanding of the concept of quantum reality.

So what do you think?

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