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Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Take a Chance, Make a Choice, Be the Change

Remember, we are a part of this planet.

It is a new year; the living spaceship we call Earth has completed yet another successful revolution about the sun. The orbiting process seems to have been pretty uneventful from a distance, but looking closer onto the surface of the ship tells a very different tale.

The human race is at a crossroads; we as a species are undergoing a shift that is reflected at every level of our society and the larger system that we have created for ourselves upon this planet. Our consciousness is expanding, and with this comes a growing awareness of how not only ineffective but dangerous the dominant paradigm is towards our continued survival as a species.

The Malthusian-Darwinian paradigm preaches competition, consumption, and survival of the fittest. It suggests that this is the defining characteristic of existence, that this is what happens throughout the rest of nature, and that we as humans are now fitting into the mold. It serves as the justification for our ego-centric, materialistic, capitalistic existence, attempting to convince us that this is what nature programs into our cells.

This is a lie. This is misinformation, perpetuated by the people who benefit from the system in its current state. A society truly modeled after nature is no new concept, humans have been living this way for thousands of years, and it is one based upon harmony and mutual-cooperation. Numerous ancient civilizations have lived in harmony and sustainable with the Earth. We know that it worked then, and we know that it can work now.

In nature, most animals spend their lives living in harmony, with brief periods of competition, not the other way around. Competition does exist, but this only happens when animals are competing after the same resources or are attempting to occupy the same niche. The level of competition present is also dependent upon the scarcity of resources within an environment.

If one’s intent is to destabilize, divide, and conquer in order to establish a small fraction of controlling elites, what way could be more effective than the tactics currently being implemented? By creating a focus upon scarcity, upon competition, upon the ego, upon consumption, and upon fear, the control system successfully influences the choices that we make in order to harness our energy and funnel it towards their own corrupted endeavors.

It’s not that this mentality is outdated, for never was there a time in our history where this could actually be deemed an acceptable or effective modality of existence. This mentality is poison, it is fundamentally flawed, and it is time that we apply not only our feelings but our logic to the situation that we have let carry on for too long.

We do not need the system to survive, the system needs us. It needs the constant influx of our energy to continue spinning and to stay in motion. It is short-sighted, benefits few, hurts many, focuses upon unbridled consumption, constant production, and is highly inefficient. Technology and quality of life is great but is not worth sacrificing our planet, our freedom, and our lives. We can have all of these things. We do not need to give this fractured, failing system our power.

Let us return to the Earth, let us return to the rhythm of life that we feel pulse through our bodies and fills every cell of our beings. Let us return to our home, let us make all our decisions based upon how it affects us, others around us, the planet, and the entire universe. We get to choose where we express our energy, and the more of us that choose sustainable living practices, harmony, and quality over consumption, fear, and quantity, the faster we shall make the change come about.

The organic vessel Earth has been around for a long time. If we want humans to continue to be a part of its journey through the cosmos, and to step into our next evolution of consciousness and our place within the universe, it is up to us. Choose, wisely. Choose love. But ultimately, each and every single one of us must choose.

Unconditional love, and gratitude.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Waking Up Love

We live in a universe where humanity is slowly waking from a deep slumber. A faction of elites exist in our world with the sole intent of control, to harness and direct our energy in the direction that they please. For too long, the agents of decay have cast a spell of mass hypnosis upon our people that has effectively enslaved us within our own egos.

Their tactics are ingenious. How do you put chains upon an infinite being? The answer is to convince them to put them on themselves. We have been convinced to choose to believe that we are not infinite, and to create limits upon our being. Through the control of information and economics, capitalism with a focus upon the ego and materialism, much of humanity is bewitched. Many are blind to the fact that they are complicit with a completely unsustainable living system that is leading us onward to our own imminent destruction.

Our reality is a product of our own malaise, through our choices of buying into the idea of status quo, comfort and complacency. The qualities of life are growth and decay, and together this forms an endless, infinite dynamic equilibrium of life that we like to call the universe. If we are not consciously choosing to express our energy, follow our joy, bliss, and excitement, then we are not growing and are not in a sense ‘living’. If this is the case, the reality of the situation is that we are slowly decaying.

Yet, hope is not lost. The healing and change is happening as we speak. We are awakening from the illusion of separateness to once again remember that we as humans are not the center of the universe. We share it with an infinite number of beings, we inhabit a planet with an astounding degree of variation of life. We are a part of the whole. We are not alone; we are all-one.

The cause of the situation and the answer is, and has always been, one and the same. Choice. Everything that we experience in our reality we have taken a part in creating through the choices that we have and have not made. The world is in its current state not solely because of the malicious intent of a select few, but because of what we as a species have allowed to take place. To change our world, we must once again exert our will-power, and choose.

This is the responsibility of each and every single one of us, as humans, as fellow planetary travelers, as cosmic voyagers, and as divine, spiritual beings. We begin with ourselves, with the choices that we make, with the energy that we express, and what we allow to happen in every single moment. We change the world by changing ourselves, by embracing our power and the responsibility that comes with it. We heal the world by healing ourselves, by shining light into the dark places of our soul to free ourselves from the judgment and blame that we create.

Collectively, we are clearing the cobwebs from our vessels. We are realizing that we are not machines, and that this is what we become when we act only from the mind and the ego. We are remembering to feel, remembering that the center of our being-ness is our hearts. We are embracing our power, we are becoming informed, and with this awareness we are once again beginning to choose and use the gifts that we have been given in this physical reality.

In every single moment, we have the opportunity to choose love. This choice is superconductive, is incredibly effective, is contagious, and feels amazing. Choosing love sets into motion more love, alters the momentum of the universe and magnifies itself exponentially. While it may be difficult at times, and while many forces may be present that attempt to influence our decisions in the opposite direction, we are still free to choose.

Being the change means making choices, different choices than the ones that perhaps we currently have a tendency to do. When in doubt, remember to choose love.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

4 Methods of Accessing the Most Creative Forces of Your Mind

We have read and heard a number of times that we do not utilize the full capacity of our brain, only a fragment of the forces of our Mind are used in our daily life. The full utilization of the potentials of our Mind would, however, add to our personality an immensely creative force. The question, therefore, arises, how we are able to access the creative forces of our Mind?
In the Captivity of the Mind

The creative force of the Mind is only accessible in the present moment, in the here and now. We need to live in the present time and concentrate our energies to the actual moment in order to be really able to live our lives to the full, to be present in life, and to access the creative forces of the Mind. We are only able to enjoy the happiness and pleasure of the actual moment in the present. If our Mind is roaming the paths of the past or the future, the opportunities that are open to us in the present moment will close down and we will be unable to access the creative forces of the Mind. Instead, we will find ourselves in the captivity of the Mind.

Being in the captivity of the Mind means that we are either the prisoners of our past, or we live under the spell of an imaginary future. If in the majority of our waking hours our thoughts are engaged by the past of the future, in most of the cases we will not be able to act when it is necessary for the opportunities of the present.

In most cases, our Mind is locked up in the prison of the past by an event the outcome of which is unpleasant to us. Our thoughts turn toward that event in the past, we would like do change the course of the events, or we worry what others might think of us because of our improper behavior in that past moment.

Another way of becoming prisoners is when our Mind puts the spell of an imaginary future or the image of a desired, idyllic state upon us. Then we mobilize all our energies to make those images come true, and we tend to pass by the opportunities offered by the present almost blindly.

Yet another way the Mind uses to chain us to our future is our constant worry about what is going to happen to us in the future. We are afraid of, or even fear, the future, our Mind constantly produces scenarios the outcome of which are disastrous for us. We lose our job, we fall ill, our partner leaves us, etc.

A characteristic dimension of the captivity of the Mind is that the Mind is usually rejective, or even hostile, to the present moment. We often think that this or that should not happen that way, I should be somewhere else now, in some much better place. Why do such things only happen to me all the time? Our mind is thus in a constant struggle with the present, and that very struggle is what keeps us in captivity.

Living in the prison of the Mind, we are not in control of our lives, we just drift among the illusions generated by the Mind, and in most cases we are unable to act in the present moment.
Accessing the Creative Powers of the Mind

Let us take a look at a few methods that may enable us to access the creative forces of the Mind, and at the same time may help us to break free of the captivity of the Mind.

1. We must reach beyond the past. Nobody has ever been able to change the past, so all the energy that we use to mull over the past is wasted energy. Instead, concentrate that energy on the present moment, be alert and conscious in connection with everything that we are experiencing in the present moment.

2. Have no fear of the future, since the future is not a reality, it is just a projection of the Mind. Only the present moment exists. What is our present moment like, our imagined future will be like, too.

3. It is only possible to make our future plans come true through our present actions. It is only in the present moment that we are able to do what will affect our future. Let us be careful, however, and do not sacrifice the opportunities of the present on the altar of an imaginary future or the image of an ideal situation. If we are really present in the here and now, and we are able to be happy there, we are not going to have any problem with that in the future either. Future is just a present moment, too.

4. Let us accept the present moment as it is, and do not struggle against it. do not look at the present moment as an enemy, and do not make a judgment over it. Give up the fight, and just be simply present in the here and now. Turn with a conscious and alert attention to whatever is happening in front of our eyes in the present moment.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Why Empathy Matters

It’s not easy to stay sensitive in such a cruel, desensitized world but it’s imperative we do. That’s the beauty of empathic souls; they have open and loving hearts, even if it hurts, which is why each of us needs to generate and receive so much love and encouragement.

Loving empathy is its own reward, even if we’re not showered directly with supporting human love as much as we’d prefer. The spiritual is supreme. Connection to Source is our unfailing infinite supply line of everything we need. But I agree, it’s sure nice when that consciousness is manifest in another human being and can be shared between us.

That’s the nature of true interpersonal love, and we need to shower it upon each other.

Empathize or Cauterize

I feel strongly that if we don’t allow ourselves to have broken hearts for the lost and suffering we’re virtually useless consciousness and a betrayal to Source. True heartfelt empathy heals and strengthens ourselves and those around us as we go through this voyage. Letting these sincere emotions course through us, whether it be sharing the pain of battered and betrayed victims of all sorts, including animals, or the sadness of the passing of a dear friend, they’re good for us and are a wonderful opportunity to draw closer to Source.

Using these deep experiences as an energy carrier signal to piggyback other issues on our hearts and minds into the great bosom of Love is a real key. When channeled consciously from the heart, these experiences lead to much greater intuitive understandings, the strength of spirit, and that deep, deep peace that passes understanding.

Those who cannot move with these fully awake empathic spiritual impulses in effect have become cauterized. The media works hard at this, bashing the collective head with desensitizing, violent images and mind crushing propaganda constantly. That’s why they do it. Not just to promote their programs, but to shut down our conscious awareness, the all-empowering Source of love and light.

That’s what they fear the most. That we will awaken and tap into our magnificence.

Counteracting the War against Love

This is fundamentally what this current hijack attempt is all about. Extinguishing love. Love is soft, love is kind. But it is also extremely powerful. Love is a form of creation at work. It contradicts everything we’re witnessing in today’s media driven control structure.

Express your love every chance you get. Others are starved for it just as you are. Give and it will return, but don’t do it with that motive. It just happens naturally, because that is the co-creative nature of love. So many are starved for a word of encouragement, a kind gesture, a thank you or word of appreciation. The downdraft of ugliness is so strong right now we need to support each other in any way we can.

Make yourself vulnerable. It’s the most protected space there is. Put a little love in your heart – and let it out!

Our Warfare Is Spiritual

The forces of darkness cannot overcome the Light, as hard as they may try. Any success they may seem to have at harnessing humanity for their own ends is so very temporary. While we are infinite spiritual beings, they are temporal, parasitic forces.

Keep that in mind, no matter how things may appear at times.

Let’s fully manifest and get this era done away with by letting Universe work fully through us. It happens one heart at a time, but each of us has to keep doing what we’re each meant to do and be.

Stay soft and loving, yet strong and resolved. Our weapons are spiritual – don’t let them entice you into their arena of mind games and ignorant lower vibrational reactionism. Stay where you are strong, yet engage them nonetheless. On your terms.

Thank all of you who give so much. Please know how loved and appreciated you are by so, so many.

Let it flow – we’re just getting started!