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Friday, December 6, 2013

Paranormal Awards? Are you Serious?

     Hello everyone, I hope everyone is fine and enjoying the season.  Usually I put out my second blog of the week on Thursdays.  Well, I saw a comment on Facebook yesterday and then today about a subject that gets to the raw end of my nerves. The subject is Paranormal Awards.  The comments that I saw were all negative.  "Paranormal Awards?" "Are you Serious?"  etc., etc.,. Well I say yes, there should be a paranormal awards.  And yes, I'm a nominee at these awards for my literary work.  So many people are negative and condescending about it, but why? 

     Let me digress for a minute to make a comparison.  I spent twenty years in the U.S. Marine Corps. Now I wasn't one to just sit back and do my job and then call it a day.  I was one of those that when I saw a chance to make a difference I spoke out. I had the courage to let my higher ups know that I saw a better way to do things or make things more productive and to help save lives.  And for that, I rose quickly through the ranks.  Now there was always those masses that whined and complained about people like me.  You got your promotions for kissing ass or sucking up.  No, I worked my ass off for what I got and I was recognized for those efforts. That's why I was the second youngest Master Sergeant in corps history.

     It's the same thing in the paranormal field. There are so many of you out there that all you do is complain that the paranormal field is going to shit and there are so many people out there doing this wrong or that wrong, making the rest of us look bad.  Yet, what are YOU doing to make it better?  Are you bringing any new type of research forward to make this field better?  Are you writing books to help those that you are complaining about; to educate them to doing things right?  Are you brining your hard work forward to help make the field where through your complaining say it should be? No, you're not.  There are those out there like myself that are having the courage to go out there and put their hard work out to the masses to try and educate the ones that might be doing things wrong.  Did you ever think that the reason these people are doing things wrong is because NOBODY took the time to show them the right way to do it? 

     So you, the masses, instead of putting anything positive forward to help these people to do things properly, you belittle and condemn the ones who are out there doing what you won't do and when the people that do put out the education or research to show on a public stage to help the ones that are doing wrong, instead of praising them, you ridicule them for being recognized at an awards ceremony for their hard work.  Doesn't this sound hypocritical of you?  Why shouldn't they be rewarded for their hard work and effort?

     Now yes, there are those few that are in it for the notoriety and fame, but the majority of the people that are nominated are just normal people like you and me.  The only difference is, they want to help this field move forward and they can care less about fame and fortune. So I challenge you, the masses, instead of complaining about the awards and the people who are put up for them, help us with whatever work you have done to move this field forward like you all say you want. We'll recognize your hard work in the field too. 

     If all you want to do is sit on the sidelines and complain, then your the ones who are dragging this field  down.  Because, unfortunately, in the human race it's easier and takes less energy to sit back and complain what others are doing than it does to have courage to put themselves out there to actually make a difference. So unless your ready to have the courage to put yourselves out there to help this field, then you need to stop putting those that are doing what needs to be done in this field to move it forward down.  Like I said earlier, it just makes you look like a hypocrite and a jealous one-a-be.

     If you like my blog articles, then please check out my newest book, "The Paranormal Dictionary" at:

1 comment:

  1. Here, Here!!! I hate whiners. It's a lot easier to criticize than take action.
