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Saturday, February 22, 2014

Unlocking the Mystery beyond the Voices of the Dead.

What exactly lies beyond the voices of the dead? Even though paranormal research has more than enough evidence on voices of spirits that have revealed scientific evidence of spirit existence; yet, we have no idea what lies beyond the voices of the dead because of the limitations of our fundamental nature that is shaped by our five senses.

     In fact, through history revealed back in 1920, Thomas Edison who experimented with his early recording inventions had recorded the voices of the dead and found the clues that human personality does survive death. Furthermore, he suggests that it might be strictly logical and scientific to assume that one’s memory may also be retained despite the death process. Nevertheless, voices of the dead is not only proof that human intelligence does survive death but they may also bring about undisclosed messages and mystery that require an in depth analysis to unlock the secrets that lie beyond these voices.

     Therefore, in order for us to understand the secrets that lie beyond the voices of the dead, we first need to understand the living behavioural patterns that stream from the ability of how one reacts to a particular energy force that may have impact on one’s emotional state. In addition, the emotional state that one is going through at the moment will be reflected on their own behavioral patterns towards others that can be determined either through their speeches or behavioural patterns.

     Similarly, the voices of the dead that are recorded in the form of Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) are imbedded with secret messages that need to be analyzed in depth in order for us to break through the secrets that lie beyond. Thus, the basic key to understanding the secrets beyond the voices of the dead is based on one’s ability to process information received from the spirits’ voices through logical thinking combined with high level spiritual understanding that not only allows one to define the actual meaning of words that are used by the dead in their speeches but also will be able to feel the feelings of the dead at that very moment.

     Therefore, vocabulary patterns and lateral meaning analysis is the easiest way to understand the meaning of the messages that lie beyond the dead voices. In addition, the time reference that is used in context and the issue that is being highlighted by the dead is a great reference to determine the clues of the secrets that lie beyond their voices. Therefore, EVP research is important for us to understand better the psychology of the dead who choose to stay on in this physical existence. In other words, the psychology of the spirit is imbedded secretly within their speeches that are recorded as an EVP.

     Furthermore, sometimes we may need to analyze the subconscious mind of the dead to unveil the secrets that lie beyond their voices. In fact, the secrets of the voices of the dead are imbedded beyond the lateral meaning that are used by the dead in their speeches. However, in order for us to understand the subconscious mind of the dead, we may need to reverse the speeches of the dead in order to know their subconscious mind. Understanding the concept of the Reverse Speech technology invented by David John Oates will enable us to unveil the unspoken secrets beyond the voices of the dead. In other words, by using the Reverse Speech Technology we will be attempting to break the code of words used by the dead in their speeches by reading their subconscious mind.

     Therefore, understanding the tones of how words are used by spirits in their speech is one way of understanding the spirit’s emotional state, other than analyzing word patterns that are used in a phrase by the spirit that may also give us early indication of the spirit’s emotional state. Unfortunately, just a single EVP that is recorded in a paranormal investigation may not be enough for analysis to gain extra information or to make a conclusion on a spirit’s emotional state.

     Furthermore, in order for us to analyze and understand the spirits’ emotional state and the secrets that lie beyond their voices, the EVPs must be arranged according to its original recording sequences so that the tones, word patterns and references used by the spirits in their speeches can be analyzed. In fact, based on our experience, a spirit’s comment most of the time refers to a current event. However sometimes, the spirit may give us extra information by mentioning an event in the past to give us the knowledge of their culture background. Nevertheless, in some cases the spirit may also mention an event that currently happens at the higher dimension which has not yet happened in our dimension for a certain purpose. Yet, we need to gain a higher level of spiritual understanding in order to break the code of the future event.
     Therefore, the voices of the dead which are recorded in the form of EVPs may not only contain secret messages, references of the physiology of the spirit but also can be a reference about people’s culture and lifestyle in the past as well as become a reference to the future dimension as well.  So what do you think?

Wednesday, February 5, 2014


     The subject of provoking is one that I am very passionate about.  That is because of the fact of where it originated from and because too many paranormal groups use it today.  Provoking originated from religious provocation.

     Religious provocation is used by the clergy and Religious Demonologists to make demons show themselves in order   to gather the proof needed to get the church involved, etc.  It is also used by paranormal groups when they wish to make a spirit or entity show itself.  There is one major difference though.  If the clergy or R.D. is the target of an attempted attack they know how to successfully defend themselves and fight back.  A paranormal group or investigator usually does not.

     A paranormal group will use provoking when it appears that whatever is in the home isn’t going to show itself on its own.  The word provoking is used because the paranormal team will try to get the spirit/entity to show itself by making fun of it,demand that it show itself, challenge it, and even use foul language.     

     For a paranormal team to provoke whatever is in the home is not only foolish but it is also extremely dangerous. This is for the simple fact that they may not be sure what they’re dealing with.  Many investigators have learned this the hard way because when they attempted it they were not only attacked physically but also emotionally and mentally.  This is because that most people, whether they are seasoned investigators or not can be traumatized by this.  How do you think it would make you feel if you were attacked by something that you couldn’t see let alone defend yourself against.  It can really do some serious damage.  It is for those reasons that no one should ever provoke or challenge something that may be in a home.

     If any case that I go on ever has a chance of being demonic in nature then I always tell the client what religious provocation is, how it’s used, when it’s used, what could happen, etc.  I then also tell the client that if they don’t want me using  it then I absolutely will not.  If a R.D. or paranormal group is planning on using provocation then they should have enough respect for the client to tell them what it is and what could happen.  If things get out of hand the team can leave, the homeowner can not.  Never, ever use provoking without the permission of the homeowner.

     Please, do not ever use provoking unless you are properly trained and think it is absolutely necessary and  you have the homeowner’s permission.  If you meet these three requirements  then please be careful and ready for anything because anything could happen.

Saturday, February 1, 2014


     A lot of people have been asking me about animals and the paranormal. So I took a look at this subject and this is what I found out from talking to some people.  Now, I know that dogs especially are in tuned to a lot of things that we as humans are not. So to satisfy my curiosity I began to do some research.

      I know that all of them know when a bad storm is coming because they all act kind of weird. I have read articles that talk about other people's pets letting them know when they are fixing to have an epileptic fit. I have read where peoples pets have alerted them right before an earthquake. So are these dogs just super dogs or do they possess some sort of natural ability to do this. I know you can train dogs to find drugs and bombs. I have even read about a Beagle that can find termites in your walls.

     I believe that there is something to this. I believe that pets in general have the innate ability to see and hear and sense things we cannot. As a Paranormal Investigator, I use tools such as an emf detector, K-II meters, IR cameras, Digital recorders and Digital cameras to search and communicate with spirits and ghost. I think that dogs in particular have these type of things built in. The only thing that I am having trouble with is why can't all dogs find ghost or spirits.  I think that if they could, then we would all have one or two on our Paranormal investigation teams. So if not all of them can do it, then what makes the ones that supposedly can do it, do it.

     There have been some studies done concerning this theory. I have read some of them. The one thing in the studies that is pretty much the same is that the dogs that were tested were always given a reward for correctly sensing the electromagnetic current or field. So is it a matter of the dogs getting a reward that triggered this built in emf detector or was it something else. These studies never really gave a concise answer to if a dog can find ghost or not. I do know that If I hold some type of electronic device that gives off a pretty good emf field up to my dog, she barks at it. Do they bark at it because it's giving off a spike or is it because it's some sort of strange object your putting in their face.

     I would love to be able to train my dog and cats on how to find spirits and ghost. Of course, I'd have to wait till we got a new puppy, cause my sara is too old now to teach her anything and you can't train a cat to do anything. But, training them to find ghost and spirits would seem almost impossible to me. It would not be because I think they are not capable of learning it, but I think it would be because of what we are asking them to find. As a Paranormal Investigator, I know that not every emf spike, K-II hit, orb on a camera, shadow on a video, or sound on a digital recorder, is a ghost or spirit, and if I know this, than how can I train the dog to find something that may not be there?

     What about Birds? Two of my members on my team,(a married couple) have cocateels, and at their old apartment and at their new house, they always seem to have paranormal experiences; although, that's a whole nother story for another time. When an energy prescence is present or near, they go balistic; however, unless they have their equipment with them 24/7, they can't always say that a ghost is the cause of the chaos. Could we train birds to detect spirits then?

     I think that whatever kind of pet you may own, except for of course cats, because we all know that nobody owns a cat; they just grace us with their prescense. You know when your pet is sick, you know when it is hungry, or even sad. Why do you know these things? I think it is because you get an emotional bond with them and they speak to you even though they do not talk. But can they be emf detectors?

     As I was saying earlier I do think that pets and animals have the ability to sense things that we as humans cannot. I do believe that they may really have the ability to show us where a spirit or ghost may be, but because the paranormal field is so questionable, I do not have the proof that they can. I hope that one day the information that we all seek as Paranormal Investigators will answer this question.