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Tuesday, May 24, 2016
Top 10 Spiritual Truths We Weren’t Taught in School
What would our world be like today of these top 10 spiritual truths were taught in our schools, in the mainstream media, and in our history books? How can we change the system to introduce these topics to our future generations? What will the world be like after successfully recognizing these spiritual truths?
1. We are spiritual beings on a human journey. Before we came down into this physical body, we planned out the point in time that we would begin to awaken to who and what we are. The womb of our mother was the tunnel of forgetting, and we knew the challenge of remembering would be tough. The biggest risk we took was never remembering. We were never disconnected from our source of light, however, the connection was stretched very long and thin to reach this part of the universe in density. Our challenge is to strengthen this connection and to grow our pillar of light in remembrance and recognition of who we truly are.
2. Our souls never die, we just change our focus. As a spark of light from Source, we are infinitely connected to the flow of experience. When it is time to disconnect the cord of life from our physical body, our spark rises up and out of the human physical body. We take the experience of our lifetime with us, but our focus is changed to a slightly different level of vibration. We still exist as the person we were in human form as well as the many people we have been before. Every lifetime builds experience and wisdom.
3. Everything is energy vibrating at a certain frequency. All living things on earth have consciousness, even rocks, and trees. Everything and everyone is connected to a “tree of life” or an infinite energy source. We can connect to the consciousness of trees and rocks and can carry on conversations with them by tuning into their particular vibrational frequency. Our bodies are 90% water and can be programmed and molded to a certain vibrational frequency via thoughts, sound, color, and love. When we understand vibration, we can understand how alternative and holistic treatments can cure any disease or ailment in the body by changing the water vibration.
4. Our thoughts create our reality. All thoughts are energy which manifests into what we see as reality. Always being aware of your thoughts is one of the first steps in responsible co-creation of your reality. It is a simple concept but takes awareness and work. If every person on earth changed their thoughts towards peace and freedom there would be no war or tyranny. Focusing on negative thoughts will create a lower vibrational frequency and focusing on positive thoughts can raise the vibrational frequency. Our reality is a manifestation of what we create through thought patterns.
5. We are the ones we have been waiting for. There are many races and dimensions of beings on the planet at this time. Cherubim angels, Seraphim angels, Archangels, Pleiadians, Orions, Sirians, Arcturans, Anunnaki..…just to name a few. We volunteered to be here at this time, answering the call from the consciousness of Planet Earth as she cried out for help. We came here from other galaxies, universes, and cosmoses. Many came here each time there was a chance to achieve a “golden age” after the “fall”. Although those times were not completely successful, they were all preparation for this time.
6. Most of us incarnated here before, many times, in order to prepare for this current lifetime. There are souls who are here to be way-showers and leaders and there are souls here who just wanted to be here to witness the raising of vibration of the human race in concert with the planet, which will affect the solar system, the universe, the cosmos, and beyond. For those who lead by example, our schooling never stops. We had many “classes” to take in order to prepare to master ourselves in this incarnation. The scope of the effect this event will have on all of the creation is one of the biggest secrets of all. Some say that the incarnation cycle has ended and this lifetime is the opportunity to release ourselves from the wheel of karma, or the need to balance our actions.
7. We are never alone. We could not exist here without help from our spirit guides and angels or high vibrational beings of light who made agreements with us to help steer us on the path toward the goal of ascension. They exist in another vibrational level or dimension higher than ours- thus, most of us cannot see them. They are always with us and are waiting patiently for us to ask for help, as we live on a free will planet. They abide by laws of interference because of our free will, but if we ask with our highest and best interest they do have creative ways of manifesting what you ask for. Most guidance comes from within- through a process of telepathy where you get an idea in your head. Messages can also come from other people- those who can tap into that vibrational level in order to hear what they have to say.
8. Time is an illusion. We have the past and we have already been to the future. The majority of our energy particles (our souls) exist in a place of “no time”. Time is created in order to experience and is part of the controlled experiment. Meditation or “going within” is the key to returning to the place of “no time” where all the answers lie.
9. Ascension does not involve going anywhere. It is a state of being, a focus of awareness and consciousness into a higher vibrational frequency. It is what we were created for- to “go forth and experience”, and return the experiences back to Source in an infinite loop of co-creation and mastery. The main reward of incarnating in the depths of “hell” at this time is rising like the phoenix from the ashes into the bliss and light of love. This is achieved by being love itself.
10. Love is all there is. Finding and reconnecting to love again is the most important thing we can do as humans. The source is unconditional love, and we are sparks of source- which means we are also love. Therefore, we are that we seek. Loving ourselves unconditionally is the key to returning to the source.
Change starts with each individual person recognizing these truths. We are not responsible for trying to convince others of our own truth, but instead, all we have to do is to “be” truth and the rest will follow. How do we do this? Be the example by speaking your truth, and watch the world change before your eyes. By becoming responsible for ourselves, our thoughts, and our actions, we will have made one great leap toward the future of our children and the future of humanity as spiritual beings on a human journey. We have the greatest opportunity ever in the history of the earth to be the best version of a human being we can be. It is simply up to us as to how glorious we create the future of humanity existing on the spaceship we call Earth.
5 Ways Our Ancestors Used To Get Rid of Headaches Naturally
Many people instantly reach out to allopathic medicines (aspirin, paracetamol, etc.) as soon as they get a headache. It is not that they are unaware of the side-effects; they are, but situations such as an important meeting ahead, a toddler nagging them, etc., increase the urgency to be rid of a headache! Understandable! Nobody likes headaches. But, next time, please try one of these proven folk remedies before you pop a pill.
1. Boil water. Add a spoonful of coriander seeds.
Let it boil for a while till you are able to smell the coriander strongly. Switch off the stove and add half a spoon of tea leaves to the concoction. Close the vessel, and let it stand for a few minutes. Filter and drink it as it is without adding any sweeteners. Sleep or sit down and relax for just ten minutes. If you are lucky, your headache will be gone by this time.
2. Lemon. What can’t it do?
Lemon is very effective and powerful ingredient to treat headache pain. When you drink warm water mixed with some lemon juice, it reduces the intensity of a headache. This particular home remedy is beneficial when a headache is caused due to gas in the stomach. Another option applies lemon crust paste on the forehead to get immediate relief from the pain. At the same time, you may also drink a steaming cup of lemon tea three to four times a day when suffering from a headache.
3. Ginger is also a wonderful medicine for a headache.
If you don’t mind munching on a piece of peeled ginger as it is, perhaps with a dollop of honey, nothing like it. Else, add a spoonful of chopped ginger to 1-1/2 cups of hot water, and let it boil for a few minutes. Then, filter, add some honey and drink it. What a tasty way to banish your headache!
4. Betel Leaves work wonders
Betel leaves are known for their analgesic as well as cooling properties which can hugely help to get rid of a headache effectively within a few minutes. For this remedy, you need to take two to three fresh betel leaves and with the help of a grinder make a fine paste out of it. Now apply this paste on the forehead and both sides of the head for half an hour. Soon you will get relief from the intense pain. At the same time, you can also chew one or two betel leaves to treat a headache.
5. If your headache is due to tension, then chamomile tea works wonders for it!
Nowadays, dried chamomile flower is available in most organic shops. You just need to add a spoonful of the flowers to a glass of freshly boiled water, allow it to infuse for a few minutes, filter and enjoy with a dash of honey. Else, you can buy pure chamomile tea bags (Korakundah is a good brand). This will come in handy when your headaches during office hours!
I hope this gives you some alternatives to helping with the age-old headache cures.
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
Body, Mind, and Spirit: Understanding the Links Between Health and Consciousness
Body, mind, and spirit are often presented as the “wholeness” of health. However, body, mind, and spirit are poorly defined, poorly distinguished and poorly articulated in many health (sick care) practices.
Philosophers have pondered – for centuries and more – the definitions and locations of mind, and spirit. We often confuse, or mix discussions of body, mind, and spirit with body, mind, and soul. I will not discuss the concept of ‘soul’.
We each have one body, at least two brains, many minds, and many, many spirits. To develop a science of healthcare – as opposed to medicine – we need useful, functional, practical definitions and distinctions.
The Brain
We can start with the brain. In the hierarchy, the brain is an organ or a number of organs. As an organ, it is a collection of tissues that perform certain functions – sensing, filtering the senses and reacting to sensations. The brain is part of the whole body – the collection of all body parts.
Where do you find the mind? In the body? Or in the brain? Nowhere. The mind is separate from the body, separate from the brain. We cannot find the mind in the brain.
How do we recognize the mind, and recognize components and functions of the mind, from components and functions of the brain? The brain can exist without consciousness – the mind is consciousness. There are animals that have a nervous system but no mind. The first functions of the nervous system are to sense danger and food, and then to move the body away from the danger and towards food. When does the mind emerge from the brain? It’s a difficult question, so I propose a simple answer. When we learn to pee. To pee, or not to pee. That is the answer.
Gradually, animals develop sentience, the first hints of thinking consciousness. We don’t need to draw an exact line – we only need a useful distinction. The mind is conscious. Boxers are knocked ‘unconscious’ for short periods of time. We make conscious decisions that can be incredibly complex. The line between the brain and the minds lies in conscious control of the minds, over the body. Yes, we have more than one mind, we are of more than one mind, indecision is an important component of intelligence, an important component of healthiness.
The Spirit
What about spirit? When does our spirit emerge? Shakespeare’s Hamlet discussed a battle of minds and spirits. Our spirits are our wills, our desires, our longings, to live, or not. To be, or not to be. We do not have one spirit. We have many. Take care, it’s easy to confuse ‘sensations’ with ‘spirits’. Some feelings are what we sense. We smell food – and move forward. We feel intolerable heat – and move away from danger. These sensations are feelings. And spirits? We anticipate danger, and we want to move away from it. This is our spirit. Indirect, separate from direct ‘sensation’. Of course, we translate our spirits back into feelings, and complexity arises. We think about death, “to be or not to be”, the thought of death drives away the joy of life drives away the fear of the pain of dying, and we feel melancholy. Is melancholy a feeling? Or a spirit?
Gradually, as complexity grows, consciousness grows to develop awareness of ‘self’. Self-consciousness is an attribute and function of the mind. The mind can remember and think. It can be aware that it is thinking. It can think about thinking. It can think about thinking about thinking, and so on. All the while, the mind is also affected by bodily sensations, feelings, etc. Do whales and elephants, who also have large brains, think about thinking? Or is language required? More questions that might never be answered.
Our minds and our spirits evolved together. They are intricately interlinked, interwoven. Maybe it is folly to try and separate them. Maybe not.
The Mind
People have complex minds, which we use to manipulate not just our body, not just our mind, but also our spirits. We can want to be calm. We can take some deep breaths, and calm our body, minds and spirits. We can use our mind to control our spirits, and we can use our spirits to control our mind. It’s not simple. It shouldn’t be. To ‘want to be’ is an action of spirit, even when the ‘want’ is in the past.
Our mind can sense our feelings, our wants, our spirits. We can use our conscious mind to look at our sensations and ‘feel our own pain’, past – present, and future, and ‘sense our own joy’ – past, present, and future. It can calculate and decide, taking many, often conflicting desires into consideration. Or, as, in Hamlet’s soliloquy, it might decide to not decide, but to ponder. Or did Hamlet’s spirit override the mind, asking the mind to ponder termination of life, and with it, termination of the spirit?
As the mind cannot be found in the nervous system, the brain, or the body, the spirit cannot be found in the mind. It emerges as the complexity of the mind, the brain, the body rises. The spirit can fade too if the body, brain, and mind are so overloaded that they can barely perform their base functions. The mind too can fade or disappear when we are knocked unconscious. When we say someone is ‘brain dead’ – they often have a brain, but it is not in control. They are ‘mind dead’, ‘spirit dead’. This circumstance can be mild, moderate, or severe as the mind and the spirit shrink or lose function. Our medical systems, with their fear of ‘spirits’, don’t recognize spirit death nor weakness of spirit – except perhaps in a moralistic sense.
We can recognize the mind, and the spirit. The mind exercises control, sometimes in very, very complex ways. The spirit wants to exercise control, even if we are not certain what we want.
There is another layer in the hierarchy of life, the hierarchy of healthcare. We each have many minds, many spirits, but one body. When we combine our bodies, our minds, and our spirits, we create another layer – community. We create communities that are very, very complex, that have minds, and wills – spirits of their own. There is no difficulty distinguishing the community from the body, minds, and spirits. Maybe that’s why the community is almost invisible to health (sick care) practitioners – because it is in plain sight. Easy: to see, or not to see.
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
Mysteries of the Pineal Gland Ignored by Mainstream Science and Research
There is an endocrine gland within our bodies that, when unimpeded, receives more blood flow per cubic volume than almost any organ in the body, including the heart.[1][2] It has been written about in masked language, or painted in art throughout the ages, and represented in a staggering number of ways for thousands of years – yet modern medicine hasn’t found it interesting enough to study clinically – or has it?
The pineal gland’s true purpose is shrouded in mystery. Is this intentional?
Will it take an information coup to keep us from being estranged from the cosmic gifts which so many of our ancestors refer to as being locked within this tiny pine-cone shaped mass of cells, or is there modern, scientific corroboration for what the ancients called the Epicenter of Enlightenment just waiting for us to peruse?
Basics of the Pineal Gland
On the surface level, the ‘Pine’al’ gland, shaped like a pinecone, is at the geometric center of our brain and is intimately entwined with our perception of light. The pineal gland modulates circadian rhythms, and thus how we sleep. It remains uniquely isolated from the blood-brain barrier system, yet receives a higher percentage of blood flow than any other organ of the body except the kidneys. The pineal gland is tiny – smaller than a dime – located at the back of the roof of the third ventricle of the brain. (The ventricles are parts of the brain filled with cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), which act to maintain the optimum chemical environment for the central nervous system cells). The pineal becomes steadily calcified with age,starting most often before puberty, meaning it shows up clearly on skull X-rays and CT scans to allow identification of the midline.[3]
It is worth mentioning here that sodium fluoride calcifies the pineal gland. British scientist Jennifer Luke published a study showing that fluoride deposits accumulate in the pineal gland and calcify it. Just as bones go through a process of calcification to harden – a good thing, necessary for our health and functioning, the pineal gland can become ‘hardened’ through calcification, but to our greatest detriment, the reasons for which will be explained as you read further.
Additionally, a 450-page review on fluoride toxicity published by the National Research Council in 2006 reported that fluoride produced a range of negative side effects including “decreased melatonin production” and “other effects on normal pineal function, which in turn could contribute to a variety of effects in humans.”
The Pineal, Light, and Melatonin Production
The light-transducing ability of the pineal gland has led some to call the pineal the “third eye”. Oddly, the pineal contains rods and cones, just like our eyes in order to process light, even though it is smack dabbed in the center of our ‘dark’ brains. The gland is also responsible for creating and secreting melatonin. Melatonin communicates with our hormonal system about the environmental light to the rest of the body and can entrain us to a certain biological rhythm, but there’s more to melatonin than just regulating our sleep-wake cycles.
The precursor to melatonin is serotonin, which is stored in large quantities by the pineal gland – a hormone you may have heard of since it is so keenly linked with feeling good. Without proper serotonin creation in the body, the result is depression, and sometimes severe depression. Of the 40 million cells in our brains, serotonin interacts or communicates with almost all of them.[4]
Is the Pineal Responsible for Spontaneous Realization or Psychedelic Experience?
On a spiritual level, people in hundreds of cultures throughout the world have credited the pineal gland’s proper functioning with spontaneous spiritual experiences. Does it produce a psychedelic chemical or chemicals that allow us to exit into other dimensions, and even to enter and exit physical form?Does it allow an escape from this physical world in which we have currently held prisoner? What, truly, does this mysterious gland really do?
The pineal gland forms in a human embryo at 49 days during gestation – which just happens to also be the amount of time it takes, according to Tibetan Buddhists, for a soul to reincarnate into their next physical body.[5]
Other historical as well as natural references to the pineal gland[6], and so many of them, would certainly pique the interest of most any modern scientist studying the brain, the endocrine system, botany, or even human intelligence, but there seems to be a shrouding of the mysteries of the pineal, for reasons which might become more obvious after reading further. For example:
The pinecone happens to be the evolutionary precursor to the flower, with the spines spiraling in a perfect Fibonacci sequence, just like the sacred geometry of a rose, a sunflower, or a nautilus shell.
The Staff of Osiris from the Egyptian culture, dating back to approximately 1224 BC, depicts two intertwining serpents rising up to meet at a pinecone.
Hindu gods are carved, sculpted or drawn holding a pinecone in an outstretched hand, and perhaps the most prominent ‘God’ in this multi-theistic culture, Shiva, is often depicted with hair that looks like a pinecone on his head.
Ancient Assyrian palace carvings, dating back to 713-716 BC depict four-winged God-like figures purposefully holding pinecones up.
The Mexican god “Chicomecoatl” (Seven Snakes) depicts the deity offering pinecones in one hand, and an evergreen tree in the other.
Dionysus, from Greek and Roman culture, often carried a fennel staff topped with a pinecone.
The pineal gland is the only part of the brain that isn’t bifurcated, and in Matthew 6:22 of the Christian bible it says, “The light of the body is the eye: if therefore your eye is single, your whole body shall be full of light.”
Egyptian, Druidic, Hindu, Hasidic, Islamic, Taoist, Mayan, Tibetan and Aboriginal cultures all acknowledge the pineal gland in their art and literature.
Even the Catholic Pope’s staff often has a pinecone on it. You can also see a pinecone in the Vatican flag.[7]
The Pineal, METAtonin, and OBEs
Here’s where the mainstream science on the pineal gets rather thin, to say they least. The pineal is also directly linked to the creation of METAtonin – a close cousin of melatonin, sometimes called a “high octave melatonin.” The main psychoactive ingredient in METAtonin is DiMethylTryptamine or DMT. DMT, as talked about extensively by Terence McKenna and Dr. Rick Strassman, is thought to be responsible for many people’s out-of-body (OBE) experiences, yet the scientific data on these is rare and in its infant stages.
The Cottonwood Research Foundation of New Mexico found that the pineal gland of rodents does indeed produce endogenous DMT: Rodents and humans have a very similar cellular structure and that is why they are used for endocrine research.[8]
METAtonin does not suppress waking self-consciousness the same way melatonin does during sleep; instead, it modifies the borders of consciousness by temporarily reprogramming our brain circuitry in a way which allows self-consciousness (ego-identification) to separate from the body consciousness while remaining aware.
Andra Smith and Claude Messier, for example, conducted a study utilizing fMRI imaging at the University of Ottawa Department of Neuroscience[9] concluding that the OBE is the alteration of the brain’s somatosensory (body placement) circuitry that creates the illusion of being displaced from the body. However, since consciousness cannot be measured or detected in any way, this conclusion is likely false and minimally premature.
Anthony Peake suggests that every cell in the body is a repository of information that OBConsciousness can access. His theory is that DNA molecules within cells intercommunicate to create a holographic cloud of information and that within this cloud we can find micro Einstein-Rosen wormholes that allow OBConsciousness to access distant parts of the universe and parallel realities. In essence, our experience of past, present, and future is an illusion, and the pineal gland’s proper functioning allows a form of ‘time’ travel, which also amounts to ‘space’ travel.[10]

Rupert Sheldrake furthers that an OBE experience, through the opening of the pineal gland, allows us to get in touch with the planetary morphogenetic field via “morphic resonance.” Now if you recall the divine geometry referred to earlier and contemplate the profound affect resonance or vibration has upon the human organism, all these super strange theories start to make a lot of sense – despite mainstream science’s complete blackout of information regarding these phenomena.
Sheldrake states[11]:
The Pineal as the Gate to Epiphany
The potential for internally produced DMT-based METAtonin to influence the circuitry of the brain has been an ever-present component of human evolution[12] – so much so that its influence may have played a major part in many of our greatest discoveries and epiphanies.
Those among us who pursue creative/spiritual lifestyles usually learn to temporarily glean some of these secrets or at least get a glimpse of these alternate perspectives, but by opening the ‘gates’ of the pineal gland through the production of DMT, we can access realities which likely hold the larger secrets of the ages. It can also fuel our future spiritual realization. We cannot allow the pineal gland to be left shut in the brain as a tiny, un-researched mass of cells. Though consciousness likely does not have a physical point of origination, the pineal gland seems to act as an anchor for the secrets of the Universe – and it's right here, inside of us.
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