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Tuesday, March 29, 2016
The Esoteric Symbolism of the Cross
The cross is an archetype found in all cultures, mostly in a magical context, where it has power as the route to enlightenment, and as a symbol of the inner solar power. The cross is unique in its all-inclusive symbolism, which covers cyclic or vortex patterns, the Sun god, the Earth goddess, the life-giver, the great tree and the earth energies. The symbol of the Aztec creator god, Quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent, was a cross. The Aztec weather goddess also carried a cross, and at Cozumel, it was an object of worship. Native Americans marked their boundaries with a magic cross.
In many cultures, a cross was placed upon an initiate’s chest as a symbol of rebirth. In around 100 BC, crosses were set up above the graves of the elect by the ancient Scandinavians, who also used them as boundary markers. The staffs of the Norse priests were crosses combined with the caduceus. In many doctrines, the four branches of the cross stand for the four elements of antiquity: air, earth, fire and water. The permanence and alchemical significance of this are obvious to the enlightened.
The four elements also have corresponding cardinal directions, seasons of the year, times of the day, suits of the Tarot cards, and Archangels who personify these. These personifications can be aspects of an individual’s inner-self or personalities of people within a well-functioning group. Therefore, the cross can be seen as a symbol which unites both the outer and inner worlds. Consequently, it reminds us that we are not separated from the universe and that we are indeed connected.
When seasonal rites are performed on the solstices and equinoxes, a circle is arranged on the ground with its quarters aligned to the cardinal directions of the earth, and each participant is stationed at their corresponding quarter. The circle contains a fire at its center which is symbolic of the inner solar power. By performing such rituals one is connecting one’s inner and outer worlds (microcosm and macrocosm), by using the correct time and position for the rituals, whilst invoking corresponding aspects of one’s inner self. Of course, everything is energy, and by connecting resonating energies in the microcosm and macrocosm one can manifest one’s reality more effectively. This can be likened to adjusting the sails of a boat in accordance with the wind direction to achieve maximum thrust.
The personalities associated with the cardinal directions are described briefly as follows:
East/Spring/Dawn/Air/Sword/Archangel Raphael: Young and highly intelligent male person, sharp and keen of mind and soul, quick thinking, and alert for signs of trouble threatening the group from external sources. He is incisive and pliant, on the look-out for new projects or interests in which the group might engage if they decide to, and he keeps the rest very much on their toes by his enthusiasm and eagerness to get things right for them. His enlivening spirits keep them active and prevent complacency.
South/Summer/Noon/Fire/Rod/Archangel Michael: Senior male, commanding officer type. He upholds the conduct of the group, makes most of the rulings, keeps discipline, should set a good example, does the main job of straightening out problems affecting the group, and is perhaps the principle enlightener. He is responsible for taking the chief decisions and judgments concerning group activities.
West/Autumn/Dusk/Water/Cup/Archangel Gabriel: Young female. She mediates powerful and beneficial love and compassion throughout the group. If there should be trouble with them, her job is to mollify it, if sorrow, console the sufferers. She must be able to radiate cheerfulness, kindness, good humor, and happiness. It is she that has to nourish (nurse) things along when they become difficult and, keep in touch with the inner nature of the entirely sacred symbol of the cup/chalice.
North/Winter/Night/Earth/Shield/Archangel Ariel: Senior female, one of experience, wisdom, caution, tolerance, patience and all the qualities associated with good, sound, solid sense at its highest level in the human spirit. She helps to show people what they really are and tries to protect them from over-impulsive propensities. She guards the traditions of the group and teaches the law by which they hope to live.
The cardinal directions have also associated with them the following qualities:
East: Intellect, learning
South: Ambition, intuition
West: Feelings, emotions
North: Health, wealth, security
When all aspects represented by all four branches of the cross are brought into balance within the psyche of the individual, then the inner solar power, sometimes called the “inner sun”, can be accessed. This is the purpose of certain magical rituals, as well as to raise one’s awareness.
Tuesday, March 22, 2016
12 Ways to Calm the Overactive Mind
Have you ever laid in bed trying to sleep while a constant stream of thoughts flows through your mind? Do you perpetually think about random thoughts throughout the day?
Law of Attraction
According to the Law of Attraction, you will receive whatever is predominantly on your mind. If your mind is producing chaotic, non-random thoughts, then this is what you will attract in your life.
Even in the dream world, your predominate thoughts and worries will be reflected.
Hijacking the introverted mind
We have been indoctrinated into a society that places ego and materialism above everything else, so many people will end up thinking about these things and how they are being perceived by others. Our self-perception has been hijacked by the mainstream media, who portrays fictitious characters leading the make-believe lives which many people feel they should be living.
It is estimated that approximately 75% of the population are extroverts and virtually all television programming is geared to reinforce the “all-about-me” persona while deterring people to look within for answers, which is their key trait of an introvert.
Carl Jung defined extraversion as “an attitude type characterized by a concentration of interest on the external object”, (the outside world). And introversion as an “attitude-type characterized by orientation in life through subjective psychic contents” (focus on one’s inner psychic activity).
Reinforced irrational thoughts
By allowing the mainstream media to influence our thoughts and perceptions, we are creating irrational thought processes based on completely fictitious ideas, premises, and images.
This is why you will NEVER feel good after watching the nightly news, which is mainly fear-based propaganda designed to keep you living in lower vibrational thought patterns.
Even if you don’t watch the news but still watch your favorite TV programs, the television commercials are equally as bad by showing you groups of extroverts leading the fictitious life the mainstream media is trying to sell you. Of course, these actors are mostly above average looking which is telling you on a subconscious level, “If I buy this product, then I am beautiful and will have a large group of beautiful friends.”
What these commercials are telling you is that you are not good enough the way you are while reinforcing the overactive mind to understand the differences that never truly existed.
Time is money, money is time
We have all heard the expression, “Time is money.” This is why every word needs to be precisely written and every second is accountable in any given television program. On a subconscious level, we accept this premise as reality, creating additional cognitive dissonance. We end up feeling as if every second needs to be accountable and we make up excuses for not finding the “time” to connect with nature or to meditate.
The precept of time is equal as fictitious as the bullshit they’re selling on TV, yet we all buy into “time” and “money”. What is not being portrayed by the mainstream media are the mundane moments that we all experience.
Much of what the overactive mind is doing is filtering the rational and irrational thoughts, which creates cognitive dissonance. In other words, you may be subconsciously persuaded to believe in these fictitious stereotypes portrayed on TV, newspapers, magazines, etc.… while another part of your subconscious mind is telling you the exact opposite. Your active mind plays out all of these scenarios and your thought processes dictate the internal chaos that will continue to be reinforced as thoughts create reality through the Law of Attraction.
The mainstream media also refuses to show the importance of connecting to nature. While you will see various nature-related programs, the connection to body, mind, spirit and soul through nature is rarely, if ever, emphasized.
Social anxiety disorders
Sometimes, a social anxiety disorder is the cause of an overactive mind. In this scenario, a person may feel as if he or she is constantly being judged by others. If you are one of these people, then be assured that when someone judges someone else, they are generally insecure about that of which they are judging you. In other words, they are detracting attention away from themselves and are projecting it to you. This is THEIR issue, not yours! The best way to handle this is to envision yourself as a mirror that deflects all negative thought patterns from other people and reflects it right back at them. By doing this, you are no longer absorbing the insecurities that they are projecting.
12 Ways to Calm the Overactive Mind
1. Eliminate the clutter
The easiest way is to eliminate the clutter. What are the themes to your overactive thoughts? Many of these thoughts are related to money issues and our economic subservience to the system of control. Perhaps it’s time for a change in jobs or to find a job that you truly love to do? The easiest way to determine this is to ask yourself, “If there was no such thing as money, then what I would be doing with my life?” After having fun or traveling, you would eventually do something you love to do. At this point, try to find ways of doing this, even if it means working a job that you hate while doing this new activity on the side. The worst case scenario is that you spent time doing something you love to do and helped to eliminate the clutter from the overactive mind. The best case scenario is that you will find ways to make an income from it and will be able to quit your present job.
2. Stop watching TV
The television is the biggest form of mind control and plays a large part in what we think and how we perceive life. In the United States, the entire mainstream media (TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, textbooks, etc.…) is owned by 6 corporations, all of which have Zionist connections. Is it remotely possible that there is an agenda behind their “programming”? Ask yourself this: During World War II, Prescott Bush was arrested for funding both sides of the war, yet we never learned this in school. Why? Do you think his son, George H.W. or grandson, George W. would have been elected president if we were taught this in school?
Your entire thought process of who you are, what you should wear, what you listen to, what you eat or drink, etc.… is being manipulated through the mainstream media. Your overactive mind will continue to process, judge, compare and contrast that which you are being sold as “reality” to what is actually real. If you continue to watch TV, then you will continue to buy into a false sense of reality which, in turn, will reinforce your current thought processes and inability to fall asleep peaceably at night. Even when you fall asleep, your dreams will be affected by that of which predominates your thought patterns. Once you learn how to declutter your mind, you will find that your dreams are no longer fear based and at times, will be prophetic.
3. Meditate
One of the biggest excuses that people will give as to why they do not meditate is they don’t have the time.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, “Watching TV was the leisure activity that occupied the most time (2.8 hours per day), accounting for about half of leisure time, on average, for those age 15 and over. Socializing, such as visiting with friends or attending or hosting social events, was the next most common leisure activity, accounting for nearly three-quarters of an hour per day.”
What this statistic is saying is that people would much rather be programmed by TV than to visit friends and neighbors. It also says that they would much rather be, literally, programmed than to use that time constructively, meditating.
Another excuse of why people don’t meditate is that they have an overactive mind and have difficulty clearing their predominant thoughts.
There are many different styles of meditation, so one should experiment with as many as possible and either find a method that is conducive to eliminating the clutter or to create one where they are able to find that “inner peace”.
The meditation that I recommend to those with an overactive mind is called an “Open Eye Meditation” where you place two objects approximately 6 feet away from you and each other. (See Amazing Open Eye Meditation). While trying to focus on these objects, your mind will not be able to process any other thoughts. I also suggest trying this technique for more than 5 minutes, as many people will easily give up too quickly.
4. Remove the ego
Many people will live their entire lives never knowing who they truly are while pretending to be what society expects them to be. Once again, these irrational thoughts are reinforced by the mainstream media. Ultimately, we are spiritual beings having a human experience and our bodies are just shells for our souls. Once you begin to accept this concept, you will then begin to realize how we are all connected.
A good way to learn how to remove the ego is to practice empathy by envisioning how other people may feel.
Through empathy, you will see how our egos help to keep us separated as individuals instead of a collective consciousness. For example, many people are too detached from worldwide atrocities, such as famine and starvation in third world countries. They may think to themselves, “If it doesn’t affect me, then it doesn’t exist.” What if it was YOU who was starving? Would you want others to know or care or would you prefer to have people say to themselves, “If it doesn’t affect me, then it doesn’t exist.” The truth is that we are all in this together and if one person is suffering, then we all suffer.
5. Your body is your temple
Diets that are high in sugar and caffeine content may affect your thought processes. Fluoridated water has been proven to calcify the pineal gland (your 3rd eye). GMO’s have been proven to cause tumors in laboratory testing of rats. Too much alcohol will generally magnify any issues you are thinking about, so try to avoid excessive alcohol consumption if you have an overactive mind. Avoid stimulants.
Be conscious about what you are eating and drinking because these all play into your vibratory level and will, in turn, affect how you think or what you’re thinking about.
Most importantly, listen to your body. If you are experiencing heartburn, then eat more high alkaline foods instead of taking an antacid. On your day off, if you are tired, take a nap no matter what time of the day it is. Your body will always tell you when it is out of synch, so listen to it!
6. Exercise
They say a healthy body is a healthy mind, so if you are physically able to, then find ways to integrate exercise into your daily routine.
7. Escape time
On your day(s) off, learn how to escape time. Time keeps us locked into the constructs of the “work week” so on your day off, don’t look at your cell phone, don’t watch TV (TV is all scheduled for “time”) and just “wing it” in regard to any activities for that day. Try not to place any time constraints on this particular day’s activities.
By escaping time, you are also getting away from the matrix that keeps us all entrapped as economic slaves to the system, so this will help to eliminate the overactive mind’s thought process by giving it one less thing to think about.
The next time you have a week vacation, try listening to your body as to when to go to sleep for the entire week. If you feel like taking a nap at 3 PM, do it! Stay up as late as you want and go to bed when your body tells you that it is time to sleep. You’ll find that you will be able to fall asleep easier and much faster when you listen to your body.
8. Have fun!
Start doing things that you truly enjoy doing. Let your mind focus on fun instead of trivial items that are out of your ability to control. You’ll find that your thought patterns will change drastically when you are doing things you enjoy.
9. Release the need to control everything
Many people with overactive minds have the need to remain in control of most everything in their lives. it is very difficult for a controlling person to relinquish control because they might feel that if they do not have control over their circumstances, then they have no control over themselves, which is not true. Events will come and go whether you control them or not. All you need to be is responsible for your own actions. When you begin to start controlling other people, you are creating more things to be concerned about which in turn will feed the overactive mind.
10. Start a journal and/or dream diary
One way to release the constant flow of thoughts is to start a journal or dream diary. By simply putting it in writing, you can provide yourself with a simple outlet to help eliminate the clutter in your mind.
11. Live in the “now”
The overactive mind is constantly thinking about the past or future. By living in the now you will be able to release that of which you cannot control. This doesn’t mean that you instantly become unaware of what has happened or what is about to happen. It is more of a realization that the past cannot change and the future hasn’t occurred, so why waste time thinking about either?
12. Connect with nature
Find the time to connect with nature, whether it’s taking a long walk in the woods or on the beach or where ever brings you inner peace while being immersed in nature. While in nature, try not to think about “everyday life” and simply appreciate what nature provides. Try listening to the cadence of the wind or from a babbling brook. What animal or bird sounds do you hear?
An overactive mind is a sign of imbalance and can be corrected but one must want to see the change within themselves in order for this to occur. There is a saying, “As within, so without”. If your body needs rest, then so does your mind. If your mind is constantly processing activities, events, and possible scenarios, it will resist sleep by continuing this process, despite your body telling you that you are tired. This is why it is so important to listen to your body.
By eliminating the clutter, you will find that in the worst case scenario, you will continue using your overactive mind in a positive way without fear or the need to control others. You will also have an increased sense of intuition, an easier time falling asleep and your dreams will become more prophetic.
Tuesday, March 15, 2016
Entering the Angelic Realms
Angels seem to have become out of fashion on the account of other metaphysical realm entities such as ghouls, nature spirits, ghosts and other non-biological beings getting the majority of the attention. I would like to bring them back to the table.
There is always a choice to be made: whether to describe their realms theoretically or as an experienced metaphysical reality.
Since I said in a recent post: ´We need a lived spirituality´, I will go for the experienced, then into describing the realms, but first some overall remarks. I basically use free flow consciousness to describe this, and it has its own way of straying.
Often, relating to these metaphysical realms and having different entities in one’s life is a question of seeing them.
Some people see them with their physical eyes, which is usually very rare, but most see them with the inner eye. People I know, have seen Angelic beings under the influence of DMT. I have never done Ayahuasca, so I wouldn’t know – but I trust the people who have told me about their visions of a kaleidoscope of non-biological beings, whether they be smurfs like nature spirits or mighty Angelic beings.
I can also say that if Angels are a myth, it must be one of the really solid ones since ancient scriptures in different spiritual belief systems talk of them. In our daily lives, the word or the concept of Angels seems to be used frequently. It is very popular in songwriting and lyrics, and we seem to know naturally what the person is singing about. The overall idea of angels is spread across cultures and religion.
On a side note: Johan Sebastian Bach´s: Air is, I believe to be, music that is inspired and possibly channeled through the angelic realm to Bach’s consciousness. Similarly, it is believed that certain passages of Vangelis’ 1492, is music inspired and channeled through what in Christianity is The Holy Spirit. It’s all very interesting.
I have to say, though, if you want to approach the Angelic Realms, you will have to forget all about religion. That is very important.
Angels were there long before religion and will be after the fall of religion. Religion in the New Dawn will be a gentle breeze that caresses your spirit and soul, free of fear, free of judgment – it will be the age of the soul.
What’s interesting about religion is the spiritual, metaphysical energetics, as I have touched upon before in: ‘The Hidden Awakening Inside Religion’.
In order to deal with the Angelic Realm, you have to make room for them, since they do not like ghouls or the denser nature spirits who impose themselves on you. If you don’t believe they are there – they aren’t and they generally won’t interfere in your daily life. Remember, I’m not talking about Guardian Angels or Celestial Guards; I am talking solely about the Angelic Realm – which is tied in with the human realm but in a way that they have their own evolution. However, their evolution is very much tied in with human evolution and it is so, that when we are ‘finished here’ – we can transcend to our next evolution in the angelic spheres, continuing our evolution in the Angelic Realm if we wish to do so.
Some believe that Angels can do the same – be born as humans.
This is so, but it’s not a shift in evolution as we can do. They can often choose one life to experience in human form, which I actually think makes sense if we perceive them to be Celestial Helpers – and they love to help out. I will go deeper into that in a later post.
Making room for them is not difficult.
Not so long ago in our past, with the exception of some enlightened rishis, seers, and shamans, we were not aware of microbiology. We had no knowledge of say: bacteria or microorganisms. We didn’t know they existed. We could have suspected maybe, that some entities were responsible for our ailments if we didn’t cling to the stupid idea of Sickness being a punishment of some angry Gods.
Fairly late in our current evolution, we became aware of microorganisms, through the lens of basically a magnifying glass. So today – even though we can’t see the micro-cosmos with our physical eyes, we often see it with our inner eye. It’s not difficult to visualize bacteria since we have the magnified pictures available to study. Even though there are bacteria that varies from other bacteria in appearance and function, we have a general concept and an inner voice of that perception, which will make us go:
There’s an old sponge in the sink, it’s fairly alive and oozy, better sterilize it before it actually starts walking and wash my hands or whatever the situation is.
It’s all about perception and to make room for that perception if we want to engage with Angels – invitation only it seems, but as you can see, it’s not elitist in any way.
This is the ground rule.
I am well aware that there are reliable stories out there about Angelic Intervention.
Stories of people being trapped in the rubble of an Earthquake for days – that felt an angelic presence that suited them through their ordeal and kept them calm with a promise of You shall be found.
I would think this is so, but with these stories, I also have to take into account – that our mind copes with life-threatening situations in many ways and is fully capable of creating a suiting and healing scene, which is a projection, in order to deal with the fear and the horribly claustrophobic situation. Other stories are taught throughout religion, as sudden angelic interventions and visions, but the problem is that the actual metaphysics of these stories are too tied into fitting a particular religion.
Metaphysics was here before ‘modern’ religion and when religion went for the souls, it basically, like many other things, hijacked the concept of Angels to serve its need for awe. The Angelic realm was basically hijacked into being messengers of God, which actually gave the ghoulish beings a grand time since they are very clever of impersonating angels.
That mechanic still holds, and if we engage in and with the Angelic Realms, we have to be very careful that we are not being tricked.
On a side note: That is one of the major perils of channeling. People channel this and that. Some are probably Angelic – but most are ghouls posing as some enlightened entity. The frequencies can be hijacked and often are. I mean what low-life non-biological being doesn’t want to be perceived as a: Messenger of God or the Celestial or the newly departed? That’s not even tempting for ghoulish beings – that’s almost certainly a must.
Believe what suits your soul and spiritual needs. I am saying – maybe we badly need to co-work with the angelic realm once again.
Entering that can be a spiritual game changer in our lives when we actually start seeing them and feel their most celestial presence.
Tuesday, March 8, 2016
Edgar Cayce: Ordinary Man, Extraordinary Messenger
The year 1910 marked a turning point in Western spirituality. It saw the deaths of some of the most luminous religious thinkers of the nineteenth century, including psychologist-seeker William James; popular medium Andrew Jackson Davis; and Christian Science founder Mary Baker Eddy. These three figures deeply impacted the movements in positive thinking, prayer healing, and psychical research.
Their death that year was accompanied by the rise to prominence of a new religious innovator – a figure who built upon the spiritual experiments of the nineteenth century to shape the New Age*culture of the dawning era.
In autumn of 1910, The New York Times brought the first major national attention to the name of Edgar Cayce, a young man who later became known as the “father of holistic medicine” and the founding voice of alternative spirituality.
The Sunday Times of 9 October 1910 profiled the Christian mystic and medical clairvoyant in an extensive article and photo spread: Illiterate Man Becomes a Doctor When Hypnotized. At the time, Cayce (pronounced “Casey”), then 33, was struggling to make his way as a commercial photographer in his hometown of Hopkinsville, Kentucky while delivering daily trance-based medical “readings” in which he would diagnose and prescribe natural cures for the illnesses of people he had never met.
Cayce’s method was to recline on a sofa or day bed, loosen his tie, belt, cuffs, and shoelaces, and enter a sleep-like trance; then, given only the name and location of a subject, the “sleeping prophet” was said to gain insight into the person’s body and psychology. By the time of his death in January 1945, Cayce had amassed a record of more than 14,300 clairvoyant readings for people across the nation, many of the sessions captured by stenographer Gladys Davis.
In the 1920s, Cayce’s trance readings expanded beyond medicine (which nonetheless remained at the core of his work) to include “life readings,” in which he explored a person’s inner conflicts and needs. In these sessions Cayce employed references to astrology, karma, reincarnation, and number symbolism. Other times, he expounded on global prophecies, climate or geological changes, and the lost history of mythical cultures, such as Atlantis and Lemuria. Cayce had no recollection of any of this when he awoke though as a devout Christian the esotericism of such material made him wince when he read the transcripts.
Contrary to news coverage, Cayce was not illiterate, but neither was he well educated. Although he taught Sunday school at his Disciples of Christ church – and read through the King James Bible at least once every year – he had never made it past the eighth grade of a rural schoolhouse. While his knowledge of Scripture was encyclopedic, Cayce’s reading tastes were otherwise limited. Aside from spending a few on-and-off years in Texas unsuccessfully trying to use his psychical abilities to strike oil – he had hoped to raise money to open a hospital based on his clairvoyant cures – Cayce rarely ventured beyond the Bible Belt environs of his childhood.
Since the tale of Jonah fleeing from the word of God, prophets have been characterized as reluctant, ordinary folk plucked from reasonably satisfying lives to embark on missions that they never originally sought. In this sense, if the impending New Age – the vast culture of Eastern, esoteric, and therapeutic spirituality that exploded on the US national scene in the 1960s and 70s – was seeking a founding prophet, Cayce could hardly be viewed as an unusual choice, but, historically, as a perfect one.
* The term “New Age” is often used to denote trendy or fickle spiritual tastes. I do not share in that usage. I use New Age to reference the eclectic culture of therapeutic and experimental spirituality that emerged in the late-twentieth century.
A Seer in Season
It was this Edgar Cayce – an everyday man, dedicated Christian, and uneasy mystic – whom New England college student and future biographer Thomas Sugrue encountered in 1927. When Sugrue met Cayce, the twenty-year-old journalism student was not someone who frequented psychics or séance parlors. Sugrue was a dedicated Catholic who had considered joining the priesthood. Deeply versed in world affairs and possessed of an iron determination to break into news reporting, Sugrue left his native Connecticut in 1926 for Washington and Lee University in Lexington, Virginia, which was then one of the only schools in the nation to offer a journalism degree to undergraduates. (Sugrue later switched his major to English literature, in which he earned both bachelor’s and master’s degrees in four years.)
As a student, Sugrue rolled his eyes at paranormal claims or talk of ESP. Yet Sugrue met a new friend at Washington and Lee who challenged his preconceptions: the psychic’s eldest son, Hugh Lynn Cayce. Hugh Lynn had planned to attend Columbia but his father’s clairvoyant readings directed him instead to the old-line Virginia school. (The institution counted George Washington as an early benefactor.) Sugrue grew intrigued by his new friend’s stories about his father – in particular, the elder Cayce’s theory that one person’s subconscious mind could communicate with another’s. The two freshmen enjoyed sparring intellectually and soon became roommates. While still cautious, Sugrue wanted to meet the agrarian seer.
Edgar and his wife Gertrude, meanwhile, were laying new roots about 250 miles east of Lexington in Virginia Beach, a location the readings had also selected. The psychic spent the remainder of his life in the Atlantic coastal town, delivering twice-daily readings and developing the Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.), a spiritual learning center that remains active there today.
Accompanying Hugh Lynn home in June 1927, Sugrue received a “life reading” from Cayce. In these psychological readings, Cayce was said to peer into a subject’s “past life” incarnations and influences, analyze his character through astrology and other esoteric methods and view his personal struggles and aptitudes. Cayce correctly identified the young writer’s interest in the Middle East, a region where Sugrue later issued news reports on the founding of the modern state of Israel. But it wasn’t until Christmas of that year that Sugrue, upon receiving an intimate and uncannily accurate medical reading, became an all-out convert to Cayce’s psychical abilities.
Sugrue went on to fulfill his aim of becoming a journalist, writing from different parts of the world for publications including the New York Herald Tribune and The American Magazine. But his life remained interwoven with Cayce’s. Stricken by debilitating arthritis in the late 1930s, Sugrue sought help through Cayce’s medical readings. From 1939 to 1941, the ailing Sugrue lived with the Cayce family in Virginia Beach, writing and convalescing. During these years of close access to Cayce – while struggling with painful joints and limited mobility – Sugrue completed There Is a River, the sole biography written of Cayce during his lifetime, now available in a new edition. When the book first appeared in 1942 it brought Cayce national attention that surpassed even the earlier Times coverage.
Documenting the Prophet
Sugrue was not Cayce’s only enthusiast within the world of American letters. There Is a River broke through the skeptical wall of New York publishing thanks to a reputable editor, William Sloane, of Holt, Rinehart & Winston, who experienced his own brush with the Cayce readings.
In 1940, Sloane agreed to consider the manuscript for There Is a River. He knew the biography was highly sympathetic, a fact that did not endear him to it. Sloane’s wariness faded after Cayce’s clairvoyant diagnosis helped one of the editor’s children. Novelist and screenwriter Nora Ephron recounted the episode in a 1968 New York Times article.
“I read it,” Sloane told Ephron. “Now there isn’t any way to test a manuscript like this. So I did the only thing I could do.” He went on:
A member of my family, one of my children, had been in great and continuing pain. We’d been to all the doctors and dentists in the area and all the tests were negative and the pain was still there. I wrote Cayce, told him my child was in pain and would be at a certain place at such-and-such a time, and enclosed a check for $25. He wrote back that there was an infection in the jaw behind a particular tooth. So I took the child to the dentist and told him to pull the tooth. The dentist refused – he said his professional ethics prevented him from pulling sound teeth. Finally, I told him he would have to pull it. One tooth more or less didn’t matter, I said – I couldn’t live with the child in such pain. So he pulled the tooth and the infection were there and the pain went away. I was a little shook. I’m the kind of man who believes in X-rays. About this time, a member of my staff who thought I was nuts to get involved with this took, even more, precautions in writing to Cayce than I did, and he sent her back facts about her own body only she could have known. So I published Sugrue’s book.
Many literary journalists and historians since Sugrue have traced Cayce’s life. Journalist and documentarian Sidney D. Kirkpatrick wrote the landmark record of Cayce in his 2000 biography Edgar, Cayce. Historian K. Paul Johnson crafted a deeply balanced and meticulous scholarly analysis of Cayce with the 1998 Edgar Cayce in Context. And the intrepid scholar of religion Harmon Bro – who spent nine months in Cayce’s company toward the end of the psychic’s life – produced insightful studies of Cayce as a Christian mystic in his 1955 University of Chicago doctoral thesis (a groundbreaking work of modern scholarship on an occult subject) and later in the 1989 biographySeer Out of Season. While Harmon Bro died in 1997, his family has a long – and still active – literary involvement with Cayce. Bro’s mother, Marguerite, was a pioneering female journalist in the first half of the twentieth century who brought Cayce national attention in her 1943 profile in Coronet magazine: “Miracle Man of Virginia Beach.” Bro’s wife June and daughter Pamela actively teach and interpret the Cayce ideas today.
There exist many other works on Cayce – it would take several paragraphs to appreciate the best of them. But it was Sugrue, an accomplished print journalist who worked and convalesced with Cayce for several years, who fully – and this word is chosen carefully – captured Cayce’s goodness.
Sugrue’s historical Edgar Cayce is the man who grew from being an awkward, soft-voiced adolescent to a national figure who never quite knew how to manage his fame – and less so how to manage money, often foregoing or deferring his usual $20 fee for readings, leaving himself and his family in a perpetual state of financial precariousness. In a typical letter from 1940, Cayce replied to a blind laborer who asked about paying in installments: “You may take care of the [fee] any way convenient to yourself – please know one is not prohibited from having a reading… because they haven’t money. If this information is of a divine source it can’t be sold, if it isn’t then it isn’t worth anything.”
Sugrue also captured Cayce as a figure of deep Christian faith struggling to come to terms with the occult concepts that ran through his readings beginning in the early 1920s. This material extended to numerology, astrology, crystal gazing, modern prophecies, reincarnation, karma, and the story of mythical civilizations, including Atlantis and prehistoric Egypt. People who sought readings were intrigued and emotionally impacted by this material as much as by Cayce’s medical diagnoses. What’s more, in readings that dealt with spiritual and esoteric topics – along with the more familiar readings that focused on holistic remedies, massage, meditation, and natural foods – there began to emerge the range of subjects that formed the parameters of therapeutic New Age spirituality in the latter twentieth century.
READ: 80 Years Ago Edgar Cayce Predicted Putin’s Role in Stopping WW3
Esoteric Philosopher
Cayce did more than assemble a catalog of the dawning New Age. The spiritual ideas running through his readings, combined with his own intrepid study of Scripture, supplied the basis for a universal approach to religion, which, in various ways, also spread across American culture. Sugrue captures this especially well in chapter fifteen, which recounts Cayce’s metaphysical explorations with an Ohio printer and Theosophist named Arthur Lammers. Cayce’s collaboration with Lammers, which began in the autumn of 1923 in Selma, Alabama, marked a turn in Cayce’s career from medical clairvoyant to the esoteric philosopher.
Licking his wounds after his failed oil ventures, Cayce had resettled his family in Selma where he planned to resume his career as a commercial photographer. He and Gertrude, who had long suffered her husband’s absences and unsteady finances, enrolled their son, Hugh Lynn, then sixteen, in Selma High School. The family, now including five-year-old Edgar Evans, settled into a new home and appeared headed for some measure of domestic normalcy. All this got upturned in September, however, when the wealthy printer Lammers arrived from Dayton. Lammers had learned of Cayce during the psychic’s oil-prospecting days. He showed up at Cayce’s photo studio with an intriguing proposition.
Lammers was both a hard-driving businessman and an avid seeker in Theosophy, ancient religions, and the occult. He impressed upon Cayce that the seer could use his psychical powers for more than medical diagnoses. Lammers wanted Cayce to probe the secrets of the ages: What happens after death? Is there a soul? Why are we alive? Lammers yearned to understand the meaning of the pyramids, astrology, alchemy, the “Etheric World,” reincarnation, and the mystery religions of ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome. He felt certain that Cayce’s readings could part the veil shrouding the ageless wisdom.
After years of stalled progress in his personal life, Cayce was enticed by this new sense of mission. Lammers urged Cayce to return with him to Dayton, where he promised to place the Cayce family in a new home and financially care for them. Cayce agreed and uprooted Gertrude and their younger son, Edgar Evans. Hugh Lynn remained behind with friends in Selma to finish out the school term. Lammers’s financial promises later proved elusive and Cayce’s Dayton years, which preceded his move to Virginia Beach, turned into a period of financial despair. Nonetheless, for Cayce, if not his loved ones, Dayton also marked a stage of unprecedented discovery.
Cayce and Lammers began their explorations at a downtown hotel on 11 October 1923. In the presence of several onlookers, Lammers arranged for Cayce to enter a trance and to give the printer an astrological reading. Whatever hesitancies the waking Cayce evinced over arcane subjects vanished while he was in his trance state. Cayce expounded on the validity of astrology even as “the Source” – what Cayce called the ethereal intelligence behind his readings – alluded to misconceptions in the Western model. Toward the end of the reading, Cayce almost casually tossed off that it was Lammers’s “third appearance on this [earthly] plane. He was once a monk.” It was an unmistakable reference to reincarnation – just the type of insight Lammers had been seeking.
In the weeks ahead, the men continued their readings, probing into Hermetic and esoteric spirituality. From a trance state on 18 October, Cayce laid out for Lammers a whole philosophy of life, dealing with karmic rebirth, man’s role in the cosmic order, and the hidden meaning of existence:
In this we see the plan of development of those individuals set upon this plane, meaning the ability (as would be manifested from the physical) to enter again into the presence of the Creator and become a full part of that creation. Insofar as this entity is concerned, this is the third appearance on this plane, and before this one, as the monk. We see glimpses of the life of the entity now as were shown in the monk, in his mode of living. The body is only the vehicle ever of that spirit and soul that waft through all times and ever remain the same.
These phrases were, for Lammers, the golden key to the mysteries: a theory of eternal recurrence, or reincarnation, that identified man’s destiny as inner refinement through karmic cycles of rebirth, then reintegration with the source of Creation. This, the printer believed, was the hidden truth behind the Scriptural injunction to be “born again” so as to “enter the kingdom of Heaven.”
“It opens up the door,” Lammers told Cayce. “It’s like finding the secret chamber of the Great Pyramid.” He insisted that the doctrine that came through the readings synchronized the great wisdom traditions: “It’s Hermetic, it’s Pythagorean, it’s Jewish, it’s Christian!” Cayce himself wasn’t sure what to believe. “The important thing,” Lammers reassured him, “is that the basic system which runs through all the mystery traditions, whether they come from Tibet or the pyramids of Egypt, is backed up by you. It’s actually the right system…. It not only agrees with the best ethics of religion and society, it is the source of them.”
Lammers’s enthusiasms aside, the religious ideas that emerged from Cayce’s readings did articulate a compelling theology. Cayce’s teachings sought to marry a Christian moral outlook with the cycles of karma and reincarnation central to Hindu and Buddhist ways of thought, as well as the Hermetic concept of man as an extension of the Divine. Cayce’s references elsewhere to the causative powers of the mind – “the spiritual is the LIFE; the mental is the BUILDER; the physical is the RESULT” – melded his cosmic philosophy with tenets of New Thought, Christian Science, and mental healing. If there was an inner philosophy unifying the world’s religions, Cayce came as close as any modern person in defining it.
Cayce’s “Source”
Religious traditionalists could rightly object: Just where are Cayce’s “insights” coming from? Are they the product of a Higher Power or merely the overactive imagination of a religious outlier? Or, worse, are his phrases the type of muddle-fuddle produced by haunts at Ouija board sessions?
Cayce himself wrestled with these questions. His response was that all of his ideas, whatever their source, had to square with Gospel ethics in order to be judged vital and right. Cayce addressed this in a talk that he delivered in his normal waking state in Norfolk, Virginia, in February of 1933, just before he turned fifty-six:
Many people ask me how I prevent undesirable influences entering into the work I do. In order to answer that question let me relate an experience I had as a child. When I was between eleven and twelve years of age I had read the Bible through three times. I have now read it fifty-six times. No doubt many people have read it more times than that, but I have tried to read it through once for each year of my life. Well, as a child I prayed that I might be able to do something for the other fellow, to aid others in understanding themselves, and especially to aid children in their ills. I had a vision one day which convinced me that my prayer had been heard and answered.
Cayce’s “vision” has been described differently by different biographers. Sugrue recounts the episode occurring when Cayce was about twelve in the woods outside his home in western Kentucky. Cayce himself places it in his bedroom at age thirteen or fourteen. One night, this adolescent boy who had spoken of childhood conversations with “hidden friends,” and who hungrily read through Scripture, knelt by his bed and prayed for the ability to help others.
Just before drifting to sleep, Cayce recalled, a glorious light filled the room and a feminine apparition appeared at the foot of his bed telling him: “Thy prayers are heard. You will have your wish. Remain faithful. Be true to yourself. Help the sick, the afflicted.”
Cayce did not realize until years later what form his answered prayers would take – and even in his twenties, it took him years to adjust to being a medical clairvoyant. As his new powers took shape he labored to use Scripture as his moral vetting mechanism. Yet he consistently attributed his information to the “Source” – another subject on which he expanded at Norfolk:
As a matter of fact, there would seem to be not only one, but several sources of information that I tap when in this sleep condition. One source is, apparently, the recording that an individual or entity makes in all its experiences through what we call time. The sum-total of the experiences of that soul is “written,” so to speak, in the subconscious of that individual as well as in what is known as the Akashic records. Anyone may read these records if he can attune himself properly.
Cayce’s concept of the “Akashic records” is derived from ancient Vedic writings, in which akasha is a kind of universal ether. This idea of universal records was popularized to Westerners in the late nineteenth-century through the work of an occult philosopher, world traveler, and Theosophy co-founder Madame H.P. Blavatsky.
A generation before Cayce, Blavatsky told of a hidden philosophy at the core of the historic faiths – and of a cosmic record bank that catalogs all human events. In Blavatsky’s 1877 study of occult philosophy, Isis Unveiled, the Theosophist described an all-pervasive magnetic ether that “keeps an unmutilated record of all that was, that is, or ever will be.” These astral records wrote Blavatsky, preserve “a vivid picture for the eye of the seer and prophet to follow.” Blavatsky equated this archival ether with the “Book of Life” from Revelation.
Returning to the topic in her massive 1888 study of occult history, The Secret Doctrine, Blavatsky depicted these etheric records in more explicitly Vedic terms (having spent several preceding years in India). In the first of her two-volume study, Blavatsky referred to “Akâsic or astral-photographs” – inching closer to the term “Akashic records” as used by Cayce.
Cayce was not the first channeller to credit the “Akashic records” as his source of data. In 1908, a retired Civil War chaplain and Church of Christ pastor named Levi H. Dowling said that he clairvoyantly channeled an alternative history of Christ in The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ. In Dowling’s influential account, the Son of man travels and studies throughout the religious cultures of the East before dispensing a message of universal faith that encompasses all the world’s traditions. Dowling, too, attributed his insights to the “Akashic records,” accessed while in a trance state in his Los Angeles living room.
Cayce, like Blavatsky, equated akasha with the Scriptural Book of Life. This was an example of how Cayce harmonized the exotic and unfamiliar themes of his readings with his Christian worldview. In a similar vein, he reinterpreted the ninth chapter of the Book of John, in which Christ heals a man who had been blind from birth, to validate ideas of karma and reincarnation. When the disciples ask Christ whether it was the man’s sins or those of his parents that caused his affliction, the Master replies enigmatically: “Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him” (John 9:3). In Cayce’s reasoning, since the blind man was born with his disorder, and Christ exonerates both the man and his parents, his disability must be karmic baggage from a previous incarnation. Cayce made comparable interpretations of passages from Matthew and Revelation.
In another effort to unite the poles of different traditions, Cayce elsewhere associated his esoteric search with Madame Blavatsky’s. On four occasions he reported being visited by a mysterious, turbaned spiritual master from the East – one of the mahatmas or great souls, whom Blavatsky said had guided her.
The Legacy
Neither Cayce nor Sugrue lived long enough to witness the full reach of Cayce’s ideas. The psychic died at age sixty-seven in Virginia Beach on 3 January 1945, less than three years after There Is a River first appeared. Sugrue updated the book that year. After struggling with years of illness, the biographer died at age forty-five on 6 January 1953 at the Hospital for Joint Diseases in New York.
The first popularizations of Cayce’s work began to appear in 1950 with the publication of Many Mansions, an enduring work on reincarnation by Gina Cerminara, a longtime Cayce devotee. But it wasn’t until 1956 that Cayce’s name took full flight across the culture with the appearance of the sensationally popular book The Search for Bridey Murphy by Morey Bernstein. Sugrue’s editor Sloane, having since warmed to parapsychology, published both Cerminara and Bernstein.
Bernstein was an iconic figure. A Coloradan of Jewish descent and an Ivy League-educated dealer in heavy machinery and scrap metal, he grew inspired by Cayce’s career – partly through the influence of Sugrue’s book – and became an amateur hypnotist. In the early 1950s, Bernstein conducted a series of experiments with a Pueblo, Colorado, housewife who, while under a hypnotic trance, appeared to regress into a past-life persona: an early nineteenth-century Irish country girl named Bridey Murphy. The entranced homemaker spoke in an Irish brogue and recounted to Bernstein comprehensive details of her life more than a century earlier.
Suddenly, reincarnation – an ancient Vedic concept about which Americans had heard little before World War II – was the latest craze, ignited by Bernstein, an avowed admirer of Cayce, to whom the hypnotist devoted two chapters in his book.
In the following decade, California journalist Jess Stearn further ramped up interest in Cayce with his 1967 bestseller, Edgar Cayce, The Sleeping Prophet. With the mystic sixties in full swing, and the youth culture embracing all forms of alternative or Eastern spirituality – from Zen to yoga to psychedelics – Cayce, while not explicitly tied to any of this, rode the new vogue in alternative spirituality. During this time, Hugh Lynn Cayce emerged as a formidable custodian of his father’s legacy, presiding over the expansion of the Virginia Beach-based Association for Research and Enlightenment, and shepherding to market a new wave of instructional guides based on the Cayce teachings, from dream interpretation to drug-free methods of relaxation to the spiritual uses of colours, crystals, and numbers. Cayce’s name became a permanent fixture on the cultural landscape.
The 1960s and 70s also saw a new generation of channeled literature – Cayce himself originated the term channel – from higher intelligence such as Seth, Ramtha, and even the figure of Christ in A Course in Miracles. The last was a profound and enduring lesson series channelled beginning in 1965 by Columbia University research psychiatrist Helen Schucman.
A concordance of tone and values existed between Cayce’s readings and A Course in Miracles. Cayce’s devotees and the Course’s wide array of readers discovered that they had a lot in common; members of both cultures blended seamlessly, attending many of the same seminars, growth centers, and metaphysical churches.
Likewise, a congruency emerged between Cayce’s world and followers of the twelve steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. Starting in the 1970s, twelve-steppers of various stripes became a familiar presence at Cayce conferences and events in Virginia Beach.
Cayce’s universalistic religious message dovetailed with the purposefully flexible references to a Higher Power in the “Big Book,” Alcoholics Anonymous, written in 1939. AA cofounder Bill Wilson, his wife Lois, his confidant Bob Smith, and several other early AAs were deeply versed in mystical and mediumistic teachings. Whether they viewed Cayce as an influence is unclear. But all three works – the Cayce readings, A Course in Miracles, and Alcoholics Anonymous – demonstrated a shared sense of religious liberalism, an encouragement that all individuals seek their own conception of a Higher Power, and a permeability intended to accommodate the broadest expression of religious outlooks and backgrounds.
The free-flowing tone of the therapeutic spiritual movements of the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries had a shared antecedent, if not a direct ancestry, in the Cayce readings.
Sugrue provided an irreplaceable record of Cayce’s development as a spiritual messenger and pioneer. The biographer captured the seer as the person who Cayce himself said he was: An ordinary man who struggled with his apparent psychical abilities and the universal religious ideas that traveled through him.
But Sugrue’s work accomplished more than just that. His portrait of Cayce, in its own right, became a formative document of New Age spirituality. In exploring Cayce’s career, Sugrue highlighted and popularized core themes from the Cayce readings – including past-life experiences, alternative medical treatments, the imperative of the individual spiritual search, and the idea of religion as a practical source of healing.
Sugrue demonstrated how Cayce – a committed Christian, a Sunday school teacher, and, by his own reckoning, an everyday man – developed into the founding prophet of Aquarian Age spirituality. In capturing the drama and events of Cayce’s journey, Sugrue elevated the clarity and endurance of the seer’s message.
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
How to be Spiritual Amidst this Chaos?
Circumstances have overtaken man. His old languages are not sufficient to describe what is happening, and what is about to happen. To think in terms of a millennium or such tame concepts as ‘the eleventh hour’ is ridiculous. Better that he should realize that he is in an era which might be more accurately described as the ‘eighth day of the week.” –Idries Shah
For the spiritual traveler, we are living in a complex and unique age; one of tremendous upheaval and great opportunity to solve problems. Turn on the television set and listen to the reports coming in from all across the world: religious wars, effects of global warming, famine, new strains of disease, drug wars, overweight children, advances in technology and people beginning to work together to solve problems of housing, job loss, and keeping their family together. This combination of factors has been called the ‘eighth day of the week’ and the beginning of a new era; clearly, until many of these problems are resolved, if that is possible, the amount of unsettledness, fear, anxiety and personal worry for many will continue to grow.
For increasing numbers of people, the personal balancing factor to this stress and chaos is spiritual development. It must be added to the mix and used with our other capacities to find solutions. Higher knowledge will not replace common sense, experience, hard work, or economic imperative. That is not its function. It is an added capacity which integrates and works alongside others.
The present discussion will examine some basic thoughts about being spiritual; and how spiritual capacity can help the traveler deal with this period of chaos and change.
What Does It Mean To Be Spiritual?
What does the term spiritual mean? Spiritual is not an easy word to define, because there is an experiential aspect to it, with many levels and dimensions. Sort of like love, which is a sublime experience and occurs in many forms; poets and songwriters proclaim its virtues and sorrows, yet, no matter how fine the words, they are only an approximation.
Typical definitions include phrases such as spiritual means of the spirit. This type of definition: defines itself using the same word, yet, surprisingly is reasonably accurate. Spiritual does mean of the spirit.
For the spiritual traveler, the soul is comprised of a spiritual energy fabric; this spiritual energy fabric is the source of life and powers our body, 5 senses, emotions and consciousness. To the soul, there is a higher and lower aspect which corresponds to different parts of our functioning (physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual); to further complicate, in some discussions soul/spirit are used interchangeably.
The goal of spiritual paths, or being spiritual, is to add a measure of conscious spiritual awareness to the traveler’s individual life and day; this knowledge or awareness serves as an enriching, enabling an element, so the traveler can complete daily & higher functions.
For the most part, everyday activity, work, and worry block the inner (spiritual) awareness from coming forward.
All life operates through consciousness, which is awareness and energy on multiple physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels. Through our soul, which is comprised of this spiritual energy fabric, we create our multiple levels of reality, every moment of the day.
Each one of us is a creator of reality. We are souls that have taken on a physical form to create our lives and participate in the higher design. In order to do this, we must follow a spiritual path and lead a balanced life.
A full life is a life where we express all the parts of self and participate in something higher.
Increased spiritual capacity helps the traveler know what is going on around them; this knowledge helps them on a daily basis.
Characteristics of a Spiritual Person
Another way to help define spiritual is to examine personality traits of spiritual people. These characteristics help us get a better understanding of what it means to be spiritual in daily life, however, there are problems here as well; while these traits are accurate, also, they can be said to exist in non-spiritual people:
Spiritual people have a sense of humor and are not ‘stuffy old farts’- and enjoy laughing;
Spiritual people are involved in their community and may work/raise a family;
Spiritual people seek to help others as much as themselves;
they are free with their time and energy- volunteer their efforts;
a spiritual person demonstrates continual striving to get better;
a spiritual person lives by their conscience;
they try to live a life that is free of expectation and comparison to others;
they try to look at different issues from a broad framework and entertain/respect the ideas of others;
they are not on a power trip or trying to control the ideas/lives of others;
Spiritual values are long held and they are genuinely humble.
While the spiritual traveler acknowledges problems in definition and realizes they are seeking an elusive essence, there is another part of the consciousness that offers: ‘do not worry- you will know it, when you find it.’ Like love- spiritual defines itself and by adding this capacity to your life, you life will be fuller, more complete and you will be better able to face life’s ups and downs.
Routine Change or the End?
Through increased information that is available via television and the internet, the average person viewing the unrest in our world cannot help but wonder: what is going on? Conversely, scientists and philosophers tell us, chaos and order are simply opposite ends of a continuum. Both are natural to life and necessary to the physical order. And so the spiritual traveler wonders: is this era simply a routine period of unrest- soon to be followed by a period of relative calm?
Consider the following themes and ideas, and how each contributes to our fear and growing anxiety level. Each of which can be found either in your religious/spiritual belief system or on your local television programs, nightly and weekly.
Many religious/spiritual paths discuss a destruction/ending of sorts- of which many scenarios seem to coincide with this time period. Is this the end of the world? Also, current scientifically based television shows describe ‘end of world’ natural disasters, questioning: will the world shift on its access? Will a large meteor hit the earth? Through global warming, will we send the earth into another ice-age? When will the next super volcano erupt? Often these shows include prophetic references: are these events the earth changes that Cayce and other prophets have described?
Some belief systems hold that previously there have been 4 destructions of the earth. The Mayan Calendar ends in the year 2012; according to Sufi Tradition, the Stream of Life has dried-up and will be replaced with the new Stream of Life. Destruction and rebirth- natural cycles that have occurred many times?
Some belief systems hold that previously there have been 4 destructions of the earth. The Mayan Calendar ends in the year 2012; according to Sufi Tradition, the Stream of Life has dried-up and will be replaced with the new Stream of Life. Destruction and rebirth- natural cycles that have occurred many times?
Recently, across the world, there has been a failure of government and large corporations to solve economic problems and timely react to natural disasters; also, for the average person, these institutions appear to have been at the center of many of the ills that affect us. As a result, gradually, many are turning away from reliance upon authoritarian based models to individual based structures. Slowly, we are collectively realizing that governments/corporations/religion alone cannot save us; we must all work to make the world better and begin this effort with ourselves.
More people are solving problems locally and gradually realizing that the world is made better one person at a time; this is the person-centered approach. Additionally, there is growing interest in spiritual paths that emphasize personal development. Better individuals make a better world.
Personal, Corporate, and Governmental Greed, along with Religious Fanaticism increasingly are threats to our way of life.
Honoring the Earth Mother or destruction of the environment; how will it end? Will we pull together or destroy the planet? Information explosion: boon or curse? How ‘others’ manipulate us.
Understanding Emotion: Love and Fear
By nature, we are emotional and our reactions to life, through multiple feelings contribute to a richer, full experience. When something happens in daily life that is painful we all have a reaction to it. We are multi-level beings and our emotions bring us both great joy and sadness. That is the way we are hardwired and for good health, must honor our feelings.
One model, suggests that all emotions arise from the 2 basic feelings of love and fear. According to Frank Sant’Agata, all emotions can be traced back to these primary feelings.
“Love and fear are the only emotions we as human entities are able to express. All the others are just sub-categorical emotions. For example, on love’s side, there is joy, peacefulness, happiness, forgiveness, and a host of others. On the other hand, fear reflects hate, depression, guilt, inadequacy, discontentment, prejudice, anger, attack, and so on.
Love and fear can not coexist. Where one is, the other can’t be also. The one will leave immediately, should the other enter its presence. If you find yourself in a situation where you are experiencing great joy, and are suddenly overtaken by fear, the joy is gone! But it works the other way too: If you are terrorized, frightened, or otherwise threatened in any way, all you need to do is turn to the love within and the fears disappears.”
Next time you are watching TV Talk Shows and the Host is trying to convince you of something, evaluate their presentation using the following criteria: is this a manipulation of the fear and reward stick. Do as I say- good things will happen; if not, bad things will happen. Most often, the media, politicians, some forms of religion, and corporations continually use this manipulation. Unless you see the manipulation- it is very difficult to understand and disarm, particularly, when you are up against a formidable societal power structure.
From a spiritual standpoint, we want to become masters of our emotions, so we can temporarily get beyond them. When we are emotionally charged, most often, the quiet, spiritual part of ourselves will not come forward. It will not operate under these conditions.
Daily Practices to Counter Fear
OK, so now that you have me totally paranoid, and frightened about the end of the world, what am I supposed to do about all of this? Here are a few suggestions, from my personal toolbox in life, to help you conquer your fear reaction, and more easily access that quiet part of yourself which is more peaceful and serene.
By nature, we are emotional and our reactions to life, through multiple feelings contribute to a richer, full experience. When something happens in daily life that is painful we all have a reaction to it. We are multi-level beings and our emotions bring us both great joy and sadness. That is the way we are hardwired and for good health, must honor our feelings.
One model, suggests that all emotions arise from the 2 basic feelings of love and fear. According to Frank Sant’Agata, all emotions can be traced back to these primary feelings.
“Love and fear are the only emotions we as human entities are able to express. All the others are just sub-categorical emotions. For example, on love’s side, there is joy, peacefulness, happiness, forgiveness, and a host of others. On the other hand, fear reflects hate, depression, guilt, inadequacy, discontentment, prejudice, anger, attack, and so on.
Love and fear can not coexist. Where one is, the other can’t be also. The one will leave immediately, should the other enter its presence. If you find yourself in a situation where you are experiencing great joy, and are suddenly overtaken by fear, the joy is gone! But it works the other way too: If you are terrorized, frightened, or otherwise threatened in any way, all you need to do is turn to the love within and the fears disappears.”
Next time you are watching TV Talk Shows and the Host is trying to convince you of something, evaluate their presentation using the following criteria: is this a manipulation of the fear and reward stick. Do as I say- good things will happen; if not, bad things will happen. Most often, the media, politicians, some forms of religion, and corporations continually use this manipulation. Unless you see the manipulation- it is very difficult to understand and disarm, particularly, when you are up against a formidable societal power structure.
From a spiritual standpoint, we want to become masters of our emotions, so we can temporarily get beyond them. When we are emotionally charged, most often, the quiet, spiritual part of ourselves will not come forward. It will not operate under these conditions.
Daily Practices to Counter Fear
OK, so now that you have me totally paranoid, and frightened about the end of the world, what am I supposed to do about all of this? Here are a few suggestions, from my personal toolbox in life, to help you conquer your fear reaction, and more easily access that quiet part of yourself which is more peaceful and serene.
Honor your Fear. Express it in healthy ways- pray, kiss your children, and be grateful for what you have. Ask the Universe/God to help you go beyond your fear and live a full life. Offer up a prayer of gratitude/thankfulness for what you do have and not what will be taken; turn to love and gratefulness. Ordinarily, the mind is so constructed it can only keep one thought in it at a time.
Scenarios of the world ending are just that. Scenarios or potentials. Unless we collectively change and live according to the Golden Rule this is one potential. Remember, you can only control yourself and work to make your world/life better.
Lead a full Life. Participate in the world; try to make it a better place. Travel to the different parts of yourself and follow one of the great spiritual paths to completion.
Live in the moment. All you have is this moment; try to make it work and be joyous for you.
Happiness Calendar. Every day does something small that makes you happy. Laugh, tell a joke; make a telephone call to your friends. Research tells us that happy people have many small things they look forward to each day.
NEWS Vacation. Take a vacation from your computer, the television set and reportage of the bad things on the NEWS. Sit quietly or go for a walk; try to listen to that quiet part of yourself that knows where it is going. Pray. Make each moment a celebration to live and offer up a song of gratitude for the opportunity to be here.
Think Happy Thoughts. And when you find yourself becoming sad, angry, confused, remember, that from confusion comes order. One moment we are happy and the next sad. We have the capacity to create our own reality, and a happy traveler thinks happy thoughts. Tell jokes, laugh, or watch a funny movie.
Avoid making comparisons between yourself and others; particularly what they have and you do not have.
Monitor your expectations about life and people. Often, expectations are a trap that robs us of our happiness and peace of mind (i.e., I expected by this point in my life . . . Or if I followed this spiritual path, I would be free of pain).
Life can be glorious, but remember it’s a full-contact sport. Chaos and order co-exist and are part of the Cosmic Plan.
Be With Positive People. Be selective with the people you hang around and what they speak/talk about. Positive/loving people are good medicine
Avoid Alcohol/Recreational Drugs. Most are depressants and can affect your mood.
Balanced Living. All things in moderation and strive to lead a complete, multi-level balanced life.
Replaying Old Tapes. Avoid going over and over, troubling things that have happened. Some of this are necessary, but most often, we replay it too much.
And the more we practice controlling our consciousness and awareness, and seeing the fear/reward manipulation about us, the easier it will become to think more tranquil thoughts. Then, one day we will experience what lies beyond emotions; and the higher consciousness will emerge.
Often for many events in life, we cannot control harmful outcomes; when something painful or chaotic occurs, we must feel and honor the pain. Yet, experience teaches with a little hard work, we can limit fear and worry about potentials; all of us must learn to separate out what is a possibility, and learn to use the tools in our personal toolbox to move past potentials and reach happier, more tranquil states.
In 1969, it was during a BBC interview that Mrs. Beryl Worth, when questioned about her positive personal adjustment, to a recent potentially fatal diagnosis of cancer, answered in the following way.
‘I think it was St. Ignatius who was sweeping the corridor and his novices came and said to him, ‘If the world, if you knew the world were going to come to an end in 10 minutes, what would you do? And he said, ‘Go on sweeping the corridor.” And that is just what I’m going to do.”
In every moment, life is ending and beginning; life is joy and pain, chaos and peace. With every moment, after we have experienced what we need to experience; we must learn and remember to go on doing our work, and ‘continue sweeping the corridor.’
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