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Tuesday, February 23, 2016

How We Fast Forward Memories and Learn to Slow Time

Recently scientists from the University of Texas found a mechanism in the brain that explains how we are able to remember grand amounts of data in a matter of seconds. Before now scientists weren’t sure how we are able to take an event such as watching a movie or hanging out with our friends and compress it down into a few seconds of data recall.

This mechanism also explains how we are able to plan out entire future events without spending a lot of time in our minds planning. In other words, somehow we are able to speed up our memory and future memory very quickly. The breakthrough has many implications including research into spectrum disorders, Alzheimer’s, and schizophrenia according to the scientists.
Mental Compression ‘Software’

This newly discovered mechanism can compress information in your brain for later memory retrieval, planning, or imagination. The data is encoded within the brain on a wave frequency that is different that those used for recording experiences in real-time.

Our brains can share information in electrical waves that flow throughout the mind and by tapping into the various frequencies, we can play back our memories or use them to construct possible future scenarios. All of this mental work can be played in fast forward showing us that our minds are incredibly intuitive computers.

“The reason we’re excited about it is that we think this mechanism can help explain how you can imagine a sequence of events you’re about to do in a time-compressed manner,” says Laura Colgin, an assistant professor of neuroscience. “You can plan out those events and think about the sequences of actions you’ll do. And all of that happens on a faster time scale when you’re imagining it than when you actually go and do those things.”

Inside of our brain, fast rhythms of gamma waves will encode memories about the things happening to your right now. These waves are encoded one after another as your brain and senses process the vast amounts of information coming at you every moment of every day. Scientists found that when they slowed the gamma rhythms which your mind uses to retrieve past memories, imagine or plan for future events, you can store much more information in the longer waves. This makes it easier to fast-forward data retrieved in the brain.

During mental compression, your mind acts very much like a computer. When you replay a mental image it often doesn’t have the original detail that you had when you first experienced the memory. Unless your computer is allowed to fully extract a file the quality is also lost. This data may help us learn how to strengthen our memory as well as understand why memory surrounding emotional events such as crimes is less than reliable.

Colgin also found in the research that this discovery could help people with schizophrenia because they have a disruption in their gamma rhythms which makes it hard to tell the difference between their imagination and real experiences.

“Maybe they are transmitting their own imagined thoughts on the wrong frequency, the one usually reserved for things that are really happening,” says Colgin. “That could have terrible consequences.”
Recall and Memory

As we gain greater control over our minds ability to compress and rewind time we may be able to tap in a more accurate memory known as recall. Recall is where we literally rewind our minds and then play the event in its true form again in our mind. This is the core of photographic memory and is not clouded by the haze of traditional memory or emotions.
Kairos vs Chronos Time

In Ancient Greece, they had a way to explain the difference between our perception of time speeding up and slowing down (Kairos), and regular chronological time. Kairos time was also known as gods time because it feels as though you are outside of the matrix of regular time. In Kairos time life just flows around you, you perceive it at a very fast rate, respond quickly, follow coincidences and feel as though no time has passed or energy was spent on the task at hand.

This type of time perception has also been termed being ‘in flow’ or ‘in the zone’. Sports athletes and spiritualists seek after and study this state in order to maximize their performance.
How Scientists can Slow Down Time

Time dilation is a concept that is largely based on the spatial relativity theory from Einstein. This theory basically states that the faster something is moving the slower time appears to move. This relative experience reminds me of videos that show life from the perspective of a fly. The fly moves at ‘normal’ speed relative to himself but large animals and humans appear to be moving very slowly. All a scientist would need to do in order to slow down the perception of time is to speed up physically. Since flys can move very quickly they can get a small dose of what it is like to slow down time.
How to Hack the Matrix and Slow down time

Another theory about the slowing down of time isn’t physical, however, it is mental. Until we can learn to move our physical bodies at a superhuman speed we can instead train our minds to do the speeding up for us.

If we can train our minds to move much faster then it could appear to us that time has slowed down. Although it is technically a perception and not reality it would still give us very fast reflexes and the ability to absorb grand amounts of detail all at once. This superhuman trait would be like theJedi powers of the Star Wars universe or the mind powers of Sherlock Holmes.

1. Shift into Observer Mode: Learning how to get into a neutral space in your mind is the quickest way to start training your mind and emotions to become calm and receptive to the rapid data of your surroundings.

2. Practice Mindfulness: Everyday as often as you can try practicing mindfulness. Get deep into your senses so that you can fine tune your abilities to receive data from everywhere all at once.

3. Practice slowing your mind down: Try thinking and perceiving your world in slow motion. Though you can still move at full speed allow your mind that slow presence in order to shift into a receptive state and quiet itself.

After some time of practice staying in the moment, being neutral and slowing down you will find that you will snap into moments of flow where time will appear to slow down and you will be able to react very quickly to what is going on around you. Your reactions will be more than just physical as your mind will be able to process intellectual and emotional data more quickly as well.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

The Psychology of Fear

Although fear has been classified as an emotion by psychologists, it is a very basic human emotion and can be almost considered as a simple feeling. In fact, if emotions comprise of feelings and bodily reactions, then fear would be the basic feeling component of anxiety or phobias as has been explained in the psychology of emotions. I prefer the use of fear as feeling rather than as an emotion and to explain this, it is important to distinguish between feelings and emotions in psychology. As of now this distinction is blurred and psychologists do not distinguish between feeling and emotion extensively.

Emotions are complex mental and physical processes as emotions involve feelings which are mental or psychological components and bodily reactions which are physical reactions. Thus, feeling is an essential part of emotion. The simple feeling is purely psychological and does not involve bodily reactions and that is how fear which may or may not involve bodily reactions could be both a feeling and an emotion. For example fear of a student at the examination center would be accompanied by bodily reactions such as rapid heartbeats or flushed face, dilated pupils and so on. Although fear which could be a feeling component may be very simple and generalized and could be even unconscious without the presence of bodily reaction, although not as intense as anxiety which necessarily involves bodily reactions. Thus, perhaps you are on stage and performing a play, you may not directly sense any bodily reaction and could be calm and normal but you may still harbor a feeling of fear as in some sort of uneasiness.

Fear could thus be both a feeling and an emotion yet fear as an entirely subjective or mental feeling component would be difficult to detect as it would not be accompanied by visible or noticeable physical reactions as in fear as an emotion. Anxiety, on the other hand, is considered a distinct internalized emotion as it arises internally from a perceived threat rather than fear which is due to external stimuli. Fear could be defined as an externalized emotion or feeling which may or may not be accompanied by bodily reactions and fear could be conscious or unconscious.

A psychology of fear would distinguish fear as an emotion and fear as a feeling, fear as conscious and fear as unconscious as well as fear of bodily reactions and fear without bodily reactions and fear in anxiety and fear in phobias. It would be important to understand why fear occurs and what are the bodily reactions when fear is a strong conscious emotion and how this differs from fear as a feeling which may not have bodily reactions and could be conscious but would more likely be unconscious.

Say for example you have an unconscious fear of old haunted dilapidated houses and you repeatedly dream of events in such houses, the dream itself could cause some bodily reactions but it is not apparently obvious that the fear is causing the bodily reaction. So in this case, the fear itself is simply unconscious and a feeling which manifests in dreams and the dreams are associated with bodily reactions and not the fear. So here fear is a feeling rather than an emotion. Some psychologists would, however, argue that this “fear’ could simply be an undefined anxiety but since the psychologists would also identify the cause of the fear (or anxiety as they would say) which is a fear of haunted houses, this is still an externalized fear and not internalized anxiety. Fear is thus externalized whether it is a feeling or an emotion.

The distinction between feelings and emotions are like trying to distinguish between meteoroids and asteroids in outer space and the distinction would require very detailed analysis of the layers of the mind. At this point, we do not have sufficient frameworks or scientific evidence that would help to make this distinction easy. Modern studies in consciousness have focused on this problem of feeling. As Thomas Nagel highlighted in his very famous paper “What is it like to be Bat?’ this subjective feeling of “what it is like to be’ is very important. With the study of consciousness, the subjective aspects of emotions are all important and although hardcore physicalists who believe that our minds are nothing but neuronal firings would ignore that an emotion would have a feeling aspect, studies in consciousness have proved that feeling or the subjective aspect of being is the core of being human.

However the topic being the psychology of fear, it is essential to understand why fear happens and what would be the therapeutic directions for fear. Fear could be characterized as a general unconscious feeling of unpleasantness or could be more complex emotion such as anxiety and externalized fear. Fear could also be phobias which are persistent pathological fears directed towards specific objects and situations. Phobias could be of spiders or heights and these are exaggerated or extreme forms of fear with severe bodily reactions, almost bordering on paranoid reactions. Fear could thus be revealed as severe emotions with bodily reactions, and can be manifested as anxiety or phobia, fear could also be a general feeling. In order to understand why fear happens we distinguish the types of fear:

Fear as Emotions – Fear, when accompanied by bodily reactions, would signify a strong emotional response to a situation or an object or event. Since fear is internalized, fear would naturally begin with a feeling or a subjective component. This means the individual would first “feel’ afraid of the situation and then react to it. Such fear in which the individual is conscious of the emotion and reacts strongly to it is generally an emotional response and this sort of fear is thus manifested as a strong emotion.

Fear as Feeling – Fear could, however, be simply manifested as a subjective feeling, a sense of uneasiness or unconscious perception of some sort of danger or threat that may not evoke strong bodily reactions. Fear as the feeling is thus unconsciously released in dreams, slips of the tongue, lapses of attention etc.

Fear in Anxiety – Fear as a feeling could also be the subjective basis of anxiety as when internalized and even unexplained anxiety has a general feeling of fear. Anxiety thus also begins with a fear but this could be largely unconscious, internalized and more generalized. But anxiety has distinct bodily reactions and that is how anxiety differs from fear as a feeling.

Fear in Phobias – Fear in phobias consist of persistent pathological emotional response towards specific objects or events. The difference between anxiety and phobia is that phobias are always externalized whereas anxiety is internalized and fear again being externalized as an emotion or internalized as a feeling would be a part of both anxiety and phobias. However, phobias are not emotions but pathological responses consisting of fear as a complex emotion and bodily reaction. Since phobias are compositions of emotions and strong reactions, the reactions are expressed in exaggerated forms in phobias so individuals with phobias would react in extreme ways and could develop a state of panic especially due to the extreme and uncontrollable bodily reactions.

In therapeutic treatment of psychology it will be necessary to understand the origin of fear and this could be done with neurological studies and studies of bodily reactions and mental states. Fear as simple feelings or complex emotional responses should be identified in specific situations and extensive fear could be studied in anxiety and phobia.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

You Are Yin and Yang and Always Have Been

Yin and Yang are used to describe how seemingly opposite or contrary forces are interconnected and interdependent in the natural world; and, how they give rise to each other as they interrelate to one another. They complement each other in many ways, but many existing dualities on our planet are becoming weaker and polarity consciousness is slowly leaving the Earth to a great extent. When we fully appreciate unity consciousness within a unified reality, we realize that these two interconnected forces are actually one. The dark plays a role and so does the light, but each is critical to the growth of the other. A being cannot truly appreciate being immersed in light until the dark is present and vice versa. A flower needs light to grow, but the dark to rest. What does this mean for our Earth? Read on.

Most people and even many energy workers have trouble coming to terms with the concept of the dark and light or the yin and yang being the same. To them, it is not possible.

They question why reality, life, and consciousness on Earth has been so profoundly horrific and dark for so long? Why have billions of people and animals suffered horribly, tortured, murdered and abused over the Ages?
Moving Beyond Polarity Consciousness

The Earth is moving beyond dimensional realities that have restricted our awareness to polarity and victim-perpetrator relationships. Where we place our focus moving forward is paramount and will define our priorities while expanding our state of consciousness.

When the cause of suffering is diagnosed to be a person, it leaves one with a sense of victimhood. And along with it come anguish, resentment and a deep desire for retribution. This process continues unabated and over time becomes a stockpile of hate.

All violence, racial discord, and inter-personal strife are just manifestations of this perceived ‘victimization’ that is derived from our obsession to somehow fix the blame. It would have been impossible for human beings at fourth density levels to ascend without experiencing a high degree of victim-perpetrator relationships and polarity consciousness at some of the highest levels.

We are now just beginning to accept events as a pattern emerging in the kaleidoscope of life, the pattern which has no bias or machinations towards any individual being.

In reacting lies a sense of insecurity, a sense of threat perception and inevitably a sense of being a victim of a conspiracy. This approach only leads to further suffering. Constant threat perception is the genesis of insecurity. For hundreds of years, this has induced metabolic changes in the body leading to a host of ailments. Do you think the rapid incidence and frequency of disease in the last few centuries are a coincidence? All disease starts first on the energetic plane and then manifests in the physical.

Our inner awareness of thoughts, emotions, memories, images all reflect in our reality. When extreme acts of violence occur within this reality, they may often be exploited and used to change or further reinforce our current level of awareness.

We have all programmed ourselves into believing that there are victims and perpetrators. All you are seeing is perspective. The entire universe is created from projected frequencies which change the vibrational states of all things including people. There are only transmitters of these vibrational states and their receivers. The finest components of our DNA are designed to receive these frequencies and our biology responds to them.
Realizing You are Eternal – Part of Both The Yin Yang Equation and All That Is

The Yin reveals itself as feminine, internal energy, yielding, nurturing, negative, night, passive, moon, intuitive, cold, soft while the Yang reveals itself as masculine, external energy (the physical), dominating, initiating, positive, day, active, sun, logical, hot and hard (well I told you it was male). Yes, the Yang grows and flourishes the yin.

The feminine multi-dimensional understanding of our world was pushed aside for tens of thousands of years and replaced with the linear thinking patterns of the masculine mind. The domination of the masculine has intimidated the feminine and regressed its influence, undermining the true expression of this much-needed energy. The overbearing masculine energy has trampled over the fine attributes of the feminine and forced it to play its games, and thus suppress its own presence. The feminine has patiently observed.

The dominance of the masculine has made it acceptable to develop our scientific paradigm that has tortured nature’s secrets from the feminine and thus took control over our environment. In this way, our species has succeeded in largely segregating itself from the sacred interdependence of creation. It is why our scientific paradigm has insisted that nature in all its wisdom, power and glory is no match for the knowledge obtained through the tested scientific method–an assertion that is false in every respect, but our commercialized material ‘modern’ cultures have exaggerated this sense of alienation, and the feminine has allowed this energy to suppress it.

But the Earth and its civilizations from all kingdoms have arrived at the point where the dominant masculine consciousness can no longer proceed without the feminine. In fact, the Earth was indeed scheduled to be destroyed by the masculine energy and it would have taken only twelve years from 2000-2012 to completely shut down this planet. But the two energies and collective consciousness decided to pass through a new portal and ascend to greater heights, something that has never been done in all of the creation within the physical. That is where we are today. The harmonious integration of both energies, albeit we are not quite there yet.

We now have the choice of continuously resenting whatever comes our way or equanimously accepting the same. Liberation is when we accept people and circumstances as they come. A state of zero resentments. Rather than asking ‘why’, it is now more prudent to question ourselves ‘how’. How do I fix the problem? What has been my role in my creation? Why am I experiencing this when I want something else?

Every person is leading their own life and solving their own problems. There is a balance of well-being that is certain for all of us. We all have a shared pain and part of the process of integration is the understanding of how it exists. Hatred, despair and illness are not always a sign that there is something wrong. To acclimate and integrate the new energy, many have chosen to push through these barriers first.

We are relearning the eternal nature of our being and accepting that we must stop struggling to defend and guard against all things we assume have gone wrong and that must be made right. This is where most of our pain reside. We must move from a position of being a victim to one that is empowered and responsible for every experience in our creation.

The planet is broken, but that is exactly where we need it to be. We are slowly developing concepts that were once impossible to integrate. An understanding that we don’t necessarily need to fix the Earth or anybody else on it, because everything is just as it should be. We will address all the problems on our planet when consciousness is ready to completely let go of the old paradigm. We are close.

The Earth we want will come (yes in our lifetime) when we can detach ourselves from the emotional components relating to the Earth’s state as a negative. The planet is now progressing, repopulating and cleansing, but it will take time for all the inhabitants of this great planet to see the results. When humanity is ready for that next step, Mother Earth will share her new baby…and she is beautiful, pure, pristine and abundant as she once was, but with fascinating upgrades that could not be revealed in the old paradigm.

The most productive direction you can move your energy towards right now is one of love, acceptance, and understanding that you are abundant in every sense as are your brothers, sisters, and the entire Earth. Nothing is lacking. You will make this planet into exactly what you want and need it to be on your own terms.

Never forget that you are very powerful creators playing the game of Earth as a human. You have set limits for yourselves which you will soon surpass…yet again. Know that you are loved unconditionally every second of every day and you have unlimited support in every way possible. As you feel my love, I do yours as well. Now multiply that emotion by 7 billion and you may get some idea of what you can accomplish together, united as one.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

The Science of Sound – Proof that You Truly Are a Cosmic Instrument

“Music is the universal language of mankind.” ~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

An ancient understanding of the cosmological universe puts forth that inaudible music calculates the position of the heavenly bodies in our skies. With quintessential harmony, Mars, Neptune, Uranus, and all the other planets are held perfectly in place, with the harmonic ratios of each planet determining how they respond to one another, and how they affect all life on the planet earth, as well as sentient life elsewhere in the galaxy. The ancients understood that cosmic harmony is the state of enlightenment. Disharmony is when the egoic nature or false self-has not been healed, and conducts the ‘show’ of our lives – the musical, as it were, of you.

The symphony of full realization, however, is sweeter than any Beethoven, Mozart or Sibelius ever wrote. Certainly, more amazing than the latest off-Broadway phenom. In fact, God-consciousness is 10 million times more blissful than sexual experience, according to Sage Ramakrishna Paramahansa. The music that soothes the savage beast is no metaphor for some outward creature, it is the beast within us that is soothed when our bodies and minds are in harmony.

“Music produces a kind of pleasure which human nature cannot do without.” ~Confucius, The Book of Rites

Conceptualized as ‘gradations of good’, by the Pythagoreans, we can either evolve to the will of God, the Music of the Spheres, as it was called, or we can devolve into a state of evil or ego, which is really just a cacophony of sound, where the music becomes distorted. Our bodies work just like the planets do. In greater expressions of harmony and beauty we experience health, but in degradation, the cells, tissues, and mitochondria can no longer communicate effectively. The music simply becomes mayhem and disease ensues.

In research from scientists at Copenhagen University, it was discovered that contrary to conventional scientific wisdom, nerves do not transmit electrical impulses, but musical ones – that is, they use sound to convey messages to the rest of the body.

“For us as physicists, this cannot be the explanation,” said Thomas Heimburg, an associate professor at the university’s Niels Bohr Institute. “The physical laws of thermodynamics tell us that electrical impulses must produce heat as they travel along the nerve, but experiments find that no such heat is produced.”

According to the traditional explanation of molecular biology, an electrical pulse is sent from one end of the nerve to the other with the help of electrically charged salts that pass through ion channels and a membrane made of lipids and proteins that sheathes the nerves.

Heimburg and Jackson theorize that sound propagation is a much more likely explanation. Although sound waves usually weaken as they spread out, a medium with the right physical properties could create a special kind of sound pulse or “soliton” that can propagate without spreading or losing strength.[1]

Our bodies, like the stars, and planets have their own musical signature.

Susumu Ohno, a geneticist, and molecular biologist believed that he found music in our very DNA. He created multiple compositions based on the ‘sound’ of DNA.

In his research, Ohno assigned a musical note to each chemical in our DNA sequence and found if he strung these notes together, something miraculous happened.

A great intelligence or harmony was within the structure of our DNA. It was highly intelligent. When he took his findings to other musicians, they realized that echoes of Schubert, Mozart and Bach were in our DNA code. We were quite literally, musical, mathematical codes, just as Pythagoras and other ancient cultures had suggested.

This phenomenon gained some attention and Pandora started the “Music Genome Project” which was conceived in late 1999, in an effort to “capture the essence of music at the fundamental level,” but other pioneers preceded this work.

One such genius in the DNA-is-music field is David Deamer, professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of California, Santa Cruz. In 1988, he collaborated with Susan Alexander, composer and music theorist, on a science/art project to collect frequencies from the bases of DNA with a spectrophotometer. The spectrophotometer is an analytical instrument that measures the intensity of light as a function of its wavelength.

When Deamer sent infrared light through a base molecule of DNA, it was absorbed in certain frequencies. This was plotted as bands of a wavenumber across a spectrum, and then converted to hertz. This put (some of) the music within the human audible spectrum. It was found to be microtonal.

A microtone, for those who are not musicians, are sounds that are not on the traditional whole tone and half-tone scale. In Western music, in fact, on many of our instruments, you can only play whole or half tones. Unless you were to pluck the strings of a piano on the inside, you can play C or C#, but you cannot play all the tones that occur between those two notes. This does not mean that they are not still there. Charles Ives, a famous piano composer did it, but it is not common, as the piano has to be tuned in an unconventional manner. A sitar player, however; trained in classical Indian music will play hundreds of microtones in a singular piece.

The microtonal sound may be the secret to mantra’s and Gregorian chants used to uplift the consciousness and heal the body in times past. According to Brian T. Collins, a musician, and researcher, the standard pitch (A=440 Hz) does not harmonize on any level that corresponds to cosmic movement, rhythm, or natural vibration. The greatest musicians, such as Mozart and Verdi, based their music on the natural vibration of A=432. It’s true that it is only 8 vibrations per second different from the standard tuning, but this small difference seems to be remarkable to our human consciousness.

READ: The A=432 Hz Frequency: DNA Tuning and the Bastardization of Music

For example, A=432 Hz, known as Verdi’s ‘A’ is an alternative tuning that is mathematically consistent with the universe. Music based on 432Hz transmits beneficial healing energy, such that it is a pure tone of math fundamental to nature. The slightest variations in pitch can, therefore, plausibly cause deterioration of life, or heal it.

In ancient Vedic knowledge, microtones were known as shrutis. Some who have been trained to hear microtones (since they are not often taught in Western music) say that one octave contains 22shrutis or microtones, others say there is an infinite number.

All are simply a sound oscillation, beginning from the silence of sound which then reaches its peak and slowly ‘decays’ to reach its original dormant state.

The very name of the heart chakra is in fact ‘unstruck note’ when translated from Sanskrit. When sound emanates from the benevolent Universe, starting from its dormant or feminine state, and expands into its material or male state, there are layers of the organization along the way. We are the instruments of the Cosmos.

Friedrich Nietzsche said, “Life without music would be a mistake,” but there are no mistakes because we ARE music.

“In the beginning was the word, and the word was sound.”

The very first sentence of the bible explains the phenomenon of music in the Universe, and how matter is formed. We are the instruments upon which this sound is made in manifest reality.

This means we can make a ‘joyful noise’ and experience the tremendous beauty and perfect health, or produce a distorted version of the ego, which falsely believes it is apart from the creation of Universal Sound.

Every single molecule of matter in this reality is the energy of God manifesting in different beautiful ways. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, but the music of God is played out through us – dependent upon our consciousness. If you don’t like the music that is playing, simply change the tune.