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Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Which Of The 7 Stages of Spiritual Awakening Did You Experience?

Spiritual seekers who are on the path to re-enlightenment tend to fall into one of the following seven categories. A person can go through these levels in almost any order. That’s because we all awaken in our own way, at our own pace. For instance, some people need multiple catalysts in order to fully own their spiritual power so they may continue to cycle back to the first level. Others may skip several stages and end up living the life their soul intended without having gone through the same trials. At whichever stage you find yourself, trust that you are exactly where you need to be at this time. Also, know that if you repeat a certain stage, you are helping to solidify the lesson.

Awakening to your full potential

1. The Catalyst

A life-change, paradigm-shifting event jolts you awake. Alternatively, a series of gentler, minor awakenings occur until you are fully awake and aware.

Example Events:
Near-death experience
Life-threatening illness
Depression, break-down
Spirit visitation
Meeting one’s soulmate

Typical Emotions:
Disbelief, shock and awe: Having a hard time believing it happened
Fear: Not understanding what’s happening

2. A Shift in Perception

You begin to see things differently and that alters how you perceive your life.

Example Events:
Job dissatisfaction
Relationship issues / Longing for Soulmate
Desire to move / Needing a change of scenery
Loss of interest in hobbies
Questioning the status quo

Typical Emotions:
Discomfort: Your life no longer feels like it ‘fits’ you.
Confusion: You’re unclear about what is happening, and you don’t know how to deal with it.

3. Journey of Discovery

Your field of awareness expands, and new information streams in.

Example Events:
Premonitions and hunches come true
Prophetic dreams and visions
Seeing and hearing things that others don’t

Typical Emotions:
Thrills and Chills: Feeling titillated, but also a bit frightened, each time you connection with the spirit realm
Isolation: Not feeling comfortable sharing your experiences with friends and family, and not knowing where to turn for help or guidance

4. Seeking to Understand

You begin to see magic in the mundane.

Example Events:
Thirst for spiritual knowledge
Voracious reading
Seeking like-minded individuals with whom to share your experiences
Going to psychics/intuitive for readings
Attending classes and workshops
Traveling to sacred places (i.e. Sedona, Manchu Picchu, Stonehenge)
Seeking your true purpose

Typical Emotions:
Excitement, joy, exhilaration: Craving more experiences, and wanting to share your experiences
Impatience: Feeling like you can’t learn fast enough

5. Developing Your Spiritual Gifts

You begin to consciously seek a deeper connection with Source.

Example Events:
Doing Qigong, yoga, or other of mindful activities
Creating: painting, writing, singing, etc.
Studying healing modalities (i.e. Reiki)
Honing your intuition (i.e. conducting your own angel card readings)
Strengthening your relationship with your spiritual guides
Wanting to heal the world

Typical Emotions:
Joy: Feeling the reconnection with your higher self and Source
Eagerness: Wanting to share your gifts with others

6. Owning Your Spiritual Gifts

You start to trust your connection with Source.

Example Events:
Answering your own questions and healing yourself
Teaching, mentoring, guiding and healing others
Pruning and purging outmoded beliefs
Eliminating stress (i.e. change of job or relationship)
Living with integrity and speaking your truth
Being your own role model and forging your own, unique path

Typical Emotions:
Happiness: Being able to help yourself and others
Confidence: Knowing you are on the right path

7. Reintegrating with Your Soul

You begin to manifest a life that is in true alignment with your highest self.

Example Events:
Loss of previous fears, interests and desires
Letting go of the need to control, worry, and plan; living more fully in the Now
Creating, playing and laughing with childlike abandon
Thinking about life outside of 3-D Earth

Typical Emotions:
Peacefulness: Finding inner stillness
Detachment: You are no longer as wrapped up in the drama of ego

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

What Are Spirits?

Most people rely upon the dictates of their society to know what to do – what they’ve been taught by their parents, teachers, pastors, bosses, advertisers, and the media. Magicians, by contrast, rely upon the counsel of spirits, at least until they’ve got their own intuition and intent operating.

In truth, I don’t know what spirits are; and this is said after ten years of intimate acquaintance with them. The problem is that we humans tend to impose features of the known upon the unknown. We want to make the unknown familiar and comfortable to deal with. Therefore, we naturally tend to regard spirits in terms that are already familiar to us. We can’t be wholly objective about them. What I will describe here is my own view of what spirits are, based upon my own interactions with them.

Materialistic science says that spirits don’t exist; but this doesn’t mean that spirits don’t exist. My materialist friends, who reject the existence of spirits, do usually credit my integrity. They don’t question my belief that spirits are communicating with me, but they think that I’m mistaken in my interpretation that the spirits are outside of me rather than parts of my own psyche.

However, I do make a distinction between my own thought forms such as inner child, lower self, anima and animus on the one hand; and spirits on the other. I really don’t know what spirits are, or whether they are inside or outside of us. I do know that every religion and culture in the world except materialistic science is based upon spirit communication.

Christians, for example, often forget that their religion is spiritualistic. Jesus is a spirit; the Virgin Mary is a spirit; and of course the Holy Spirit, needless to say, is a spirit.

When Christians say: “Jesus talks to me and guides me,” that’s what magicians call channeling. Christians and magicians use different spirits, but the technical basis – communication between spirits and people – is the same in all religions.

Have you ever noticed how rituals in many different religions have basically the same accouterments? They all tend to take place in darkened rooms with candles and incense smoke, with monotonous chanting or litanies repeated over and over. The reason for this is because spirits themselves like such things: darkness, smoke, repetitive incantations.

Originally, and still today in traditional religions, the purpose of religious ritual was to make contact with the spirit world. Participants enter a light trance state to make them more accessible to spirit messages. Religious rituals originally were magical acts. In the Roman Catholic mass, for example, bread and wine are magically transformed into the body and blood of Jesus.

Recent converts to any religion often experience a high, a state of grace, which usually doesn’t last very long. These epiphanies are gifts of spirits who have the capacity to temporarily lower people’s sense of self-importance and self-pity, which in turn opens their hearts.

This often happens when people are at the end of their rope with nowhere to turn. It’s often at such times of complete desperation that they open to the Spirit and allow grace to descend upon them. This state of grace is channeled through spirit intermediaries such as Jesus, Krishna, or Buddha. This grace is usually temporary because the people still have inner work to do in order to embody the state of grace permanently in their everyday lives.

Spirits can temporarily bestow grace to people who are open to it – usually because they’ve exhausted their own resources. But it’s not the spirits’ job to carry emotional cripples on their backs forever.

Spirits can reveal a temporary glimpse of open-heartedness to animate people to seek such spiritual goals on their own. Having been given a model of what to strive for, it becomes the responsibility of the individual to continue the work begun by the spirits.

Everyone is receiving messages from spirits, both angelic and demonic ones, all the time. However in our society “hearing voices in my head which tell me what to do” means that you’re crazy. Therefore nobody takes a close look at where his or her thoughts are really coming from.

Even people who aren’t consciously aware of receiving messages from spirits nonetheless know that they experience hunches, inspirations, or dream messages that guide them in making decisions. Spirits are the source of these communications.

Moreover, lots of people are possessed by spirits – both angelic and demonic ones, but in our society mostly the latter – whether they know it or not. Spirit possession is not a bad thing when the spirits involved are benevolent, like Jesus, Krishna, or Buddha.

This possession occurs when people invite a spirit to take possession of them. When Christians “make the decision for Jesus” or “invite Jesus to come live inside” them, or Buddhists “take refuge in the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha”, they are inviting spirits to take possession of their souls. Possession by a good spirit fortifies people’s faith and dedication to the spiritual path. It gives people backbone, something to rely upon in times of doubt.

However in our society demon possession is much more common than is possession by a benevolent spirit. It’s easiest to see that someone is demon-possessed when they get old, since by that time the demons have eaten up most of the people’s souls and left uptight, angry or depressed, self-pitying, burned-out hulks in their stead.
Life is a bitch, no question about it.

However it tends to mellow out people who are not demon-possessed. Demon-possessed people, on the other hand, tend to get worse and worse the older they get. When people are still young, there’s usually enough of the original person left there so that you can’t see the demons as readily. As the people get older, however, the demons eat up more and more of their souls and their joy.

If, as people age, they get lighter and more joyous, then they’re not demon-possessed. On the other hand if they get more uptight, nastier, depressed, or more self-pitying as they age, then they probably are demon-possessed. This is why it’s so hard to deal with those old people – you’re not dealing with the person anymore, just with a demon.

People call demons in to possess them when they feel especially vulnerable and in need of drastic protection. For example, a baby may call in demons at birth to protect against abusive parents. Demons can be called in at any stage in life, usually unconsciously, to alleviate pain or sorrow by providing a protective shell of hardheartedness or self-pity. Luckily, it’s not that hard to cast out demons. The hard part for demon-possessed people is wanting to cast them out in the first place. We’ll discuss this subject in depth in a later article.

When we channel spirits we usually receive the information as thoughts or feelings. This is because thoughts and feelings are all we know. We don’t know how to process information in any other fashion. Therefore, we interpret the communications we receive from spirits in terms of thoughts or feelings.

However, that is not how the spirits themselves view this communication. Spirits see it as a mingling or bending of light fibers – an interaction within the aura, or shell of luminosity, which surrounds every being. In other words, spirits’ cognition is very different from humans’ normal, socially-conditioned mode of cognition. For example, spirits see time in terms of potentialities rather than concrete events.

Moreover it is undoubtedly anthropomorphic to believe that spirits have sex (male or female) and personalities (jolly, somber, laid-back, and strict, etc.). However, that is how they appear to most people.

My own spirit guides are rather indulgent and soft, probably because I am indulgent and soft and get riled unless I am indulged and treated softly. On the other hand Mescalito, the spirit of the psychedelic peyote cactus, is cold, hard, and detached. I find him terrifying, in fact, although I still go to him on occasion. Mescalito doesn’t indulge anybody.

In other words, spirits have different personalities, just as people do. They are not amorphous energies or something of the sort. Possibly it is a feature of human cognition that we humans apprehend spirits as having sex and personality, rather than that sex and personality are properties innate to the spirits themselves.

This is similar to Carlos Castaneda’s conundrum about psychic apprehension, what he termed seeing, being so visual, when it had nothing to do with vision whatsoever – whether his eyes were open or closed. But to him it seemed visual. His teacher Don Juan’s explanation of this was that we humans come to magic as adults, with our perceptual biases already formed.

Therefore when we learn a new form of cognition we tend to try to fit it into a familiar mold. Similarly, we tend to experience spirits’ communications as thoughts or feelings, since these are our usual forms of communication. We relate to spirits’ personalities because we are accustomed to relating to others through their personalities.

In actuality spirits are not as individuated / separated as we humans fancy ourselves to be. For example, my efforts to get Mayan priests to explain exactly who’s who in the Mayan pantheon have always failed because it’s not that simple – the various deities overlap or join together: they’re not separate entities per se.

On several occasions during ceremonies I have felt the presence of the Mayan earth divinity Tzul Taka, Mountain-Valley, as a male being. The priests have told me that this is my interpretation because I am a male, that Tzul Taka is neither male nor female, nor is even a single entity but is a union of entities, or a link between the Heart of the Earth and Heart of the Heaven. In other words, to the Mayans the divinities are ineffable, or at least can’t be pinned down or defined by mental constructs.

The easiest spirits to communicate with are your own spirit guides – what some people term “angels”. More detailed information on what spirit guides are and how you can contact them is given in the Channeling Spirit Guides article which can be downloaded for free from

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Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Clairvoyance, Divination and the Great Work

Clairvoyance is the art and science of being aware of facts, objects or situations by psychic means when they are not available to ‘ordinary’ awareness. The word is generally used to cover all such psychic awareness; but strictly speaking, clairvoyance means experiencing such awareness in the form of visual images, clairsentience means experiencing it in the form of bodily sensations, and clairaudience means experiencing it in the form of heard sounds.

Take the example of what is known as ‘crisis apparition’ – when a person undergoing a sudden emotional trauma (such as death or a violent accident) manifests in another place to someone who is emotionally in tune with him or her. (There have been many confirmed cases of this in wartime, when a woman has ‘seen’ a husband or son at the moment when he is killed in action.) In the strict sense, a clairvoyant might see the person standing in the room; a clairsentient might feel a familiar hand on the shoulder; and a clairaudient might hear the familiar voice. For simplicity, I will use the word clairvoyance to cover all these forms.

Precognition is also a form of clairvoyance, when the event perceived lies in the future. Divination is ‘clairvoyance using tools’ – that is, with the aid of Tarot cards, a pendulum, the yarrow sticks or coins of the I Ch’ing, rune stones, molten lead poured into water, tea-leaves or any other physical accessory. Scrying is the use of a crystal ball, a pool of ink, a concave black mirror or any other device for defocusing normal vision, to aid clairvoyance in the strict sense.

To a certain extent, the physical aids used in divination work as triggers to the intuition. The person using them makes contact with intuitive awareness which is hidden in the Unconscious by offering it something onto which it can project that awareness in the form of images or symbols, which an experienced diviner can then interpret. Such triggers are useful devices for bypassing the censor which stands on the threshold between Unconscious and the Ego. This censor is a necessary element in the psyche, because without it the Ego-consciousness would be overwhelmed by a flood of incoming data; it enables the Ego to focus attention selectively, which is the essence of consciousness.

But in the unintegrated psyche, the censor is rather a rough-and-ready mechanism. With expanded awareness, and improved communication between Unconscious and Ego, the censor becomes more helpfully selective; and what the experienced diviner is doing (whether consciously or not) is instructing the censor to let through intuitive data relevant to the problem in hand.

This triggering process is the main feature of such divinatory methods as gazing at tea-leaves or at molten lead which has solidified in water, or the ancient Roman method of examining the entrails of a sacrificed bird or animal. Scrying, too, is a triggering process; the scryer’s defocused eyes and light-trance mind are in a suitable state for visualizing what the censor is letting through. The physical action or ritual involved – whether it is the swirling and draining of a teacup or the arranging of a crystal ball in suitable light – also becomes, with use, a triggering-signal, inducing the right state of mind and inviting the Unconscious to communicate.

The unconscious resources which the diviner or clairvoyant is tapping are far wider, in the occult view, than those of the individual Unconscious as envisaged by Freudian psychology. Jung came much closer to the occult concept with his teachings on the Collective Unconscious, though he carefully limited those teachings to deductions from his experience as a clinical psychologist. But unlike Freud, Jung was a man with a very open mind, and one senses that he knew perfectly well that there were vast fields yet to be explored. His writings on synchronicity reveal this.

Occultists see the Unconscious itself as clairvoyant and telepathic. The Personal Unconscious, for a start, contains the buried memories of all the individual’s past incarnations. And as a unique outcrop of the Collective Unconscious, it has potential or actual communication with other outcrops, with the Personal Unconscious of other human beings – and also potential access to the Akashic Records, the astral ‘recordings’ of everything that has ever happened. ‘Reading the Akashic Records’ is an advanced technique, of which only adepts have real mastery; but every clairvoyant does it in flashes (as we probably all do without realizing it, from time to time).

So the clairvoyant or diviner is not just asking his or her Unconscious: ‘Tell me the things which I have forgotten or only subliminally noticed.’ He or she is asking: ‘Lift the veil on the things I need to know – whether they are buried in my own subliminal awareness, in my or other people’s incarnation memories, in or via the Collective Unconscious or in the Akashic Records.’ The more skilled and confident one becomes, the more clearly the Unconscious answers.

The Ego and the Unconscious can be likened to a farmer and his dog. The dog, like the Ego, is far more acutely aware of his immediate surroundings than the farmer. His physical senses are much sharper, and he is primarily absorbed in what those senses have to tell him. The farmer, on the other hand, has sources of information which are incomprehensible to the dog. He knows that more sheep will be arriving tomorrow because he has arranged it by telephone. He knows that his neighbor has put up an electric fence, which the dog has to learn about by painful experience. He knows that the dog must have an injection because the vet has warned him that there is parvovirus in the area. He knows that his sheep must be moved off a particular piece of rough grazing because work is due to start there on a new bypass. All these things affect the orders he must give to his dog, and some of those orders may puzzle the dog, because the data on which they are based are outside his awareness-capacity. The farmer knows friends from enemies; but all the dog can do is bark at strangers till the farmer has categorized them for him.

If the dog fears and resents the farmer, their co-operation will be forced and minimal. But if there is love and trust between them, so that each can contribute his own special kind of awareness, their co-operation can be extremely harmonious and efficient. Similarly, the Unconscious has sources of information of which the Ego knows nothing. And the sooner the Ego realizes this, and co-operates with that which it cannot directly apprehend, the better the team (which is the total psyche) will work.

This communication of the Ego with the Unconsciousness is what alchemists and occultists have called the Great Work. Aleister Crowley at first called its aim ‘the knowledge and conversation of one’s holy guardian angel’, and later ‘the knowledge of the nature and powers of one’s own being’. Geoffrey Ashe, in his novel The Finger and the Moon, speaks of ‘the idea that a guardian angel, a spirit-watcher, a higher self as it were, does hover near each one of us’ and ‘is linked with the conscious mind through the Unconscious’. But he suggests a simpler hypothesis:
‘The Unconscious, so-called, and that other self are the same.

Or rather: what Freud and Jung found in each person’s psyche, beyond the reach of waking awareness – what they therefore called “subconscious” or “unconscious” – is really an aspect of the life of another being within him, another self from which the ego has split off, but which is still there, still active, still thinking, still in its own way conscious. Viewed under a different aspect, that inner being is also the guardian angel. Scientists may be right when they contend that you and I (meaning what those words commonly mean) have no preternatural powers. But we each carry within us an allied being who has. That is why occult phenomena continue to happen … The first step is to think of your mighty invisible companion as present, inside you. And the first commandment which follows is: LISTEN, LISTEN TO THAT COMPANION.’

This commandment is the secret of clairvoyance and divination. For most people, the best way of learning the art is to start with divination of some kind. The presence of the ‘tools’ (Tarot layout or whatever) helps to give one confidence; it offers one something concrete to interpret, and thus primes the pump of the intuition. One tries an interpretation, and with increasing practice one begins to realize that genuine information is coming through, and confidence is further reinforced.

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Tuesday, November 3, 2015

What is meant by ‘Paranormal?’

Paranormal is a term (coined between 1915 and 1920) which consists of two parts: “para” and “normal.” In most definitions of the word paranormal, it is described as anything which is beyond or contrary to what is deemed scientifically possible. The definition implies that the scientific explanation of the world around us is the “normal” part of the word and “para” makes up the above, beyond, beside, contrary, or against part of the meaning.

Paranormal phenomenon is distinct from certain hypothetical entities, such as dark energy and dark matter.

Approaching the paranormal from a research perspective is often difficult due to the lack of acceptable physical evidence from most of the purported phenomena. By definition, the paranormal does not conform to conventional expectations of nature. So, a phenomenon cannot be confirmed as paranormal using the scientific method because, if it could be, it would no longer fit the definition. It is believed that confirmation would result in the phenomenon being reclassified as part of science. However, have you heard of Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP)? This is sounds found on electronic recordings which resemble speech and are not the result of intentional recording, but of paranormal origin. EVP are commonly found in recordings with static, stray radio transmissions and background noise.

“I am inclined to believe that our personality hereafter will be able to affect matter. If we can evolve an instrument so delicate as to be affected by our personality as it survives in the next life, such an instrument, ought to record something.” – Thomas Edison

Charles Fort (1874 – 1932) is perhaps the most widely known collector of paranormal stories. Charles Fort has been described in detail within Humanity’s Biggest Secrets and Hidden Dimensions, Ancient Magic, Witchcraft, Vampires & Reptilian Masters.

Thomas Edison (1847 – 1931) is a world-famous American inventor, developing many devices which greatly influenced life on a global basis, such as the phonograph, motion picture camera and the long lasting electric light bulb.
The highly intellectual Thomas Edison, was willing to accept spiritual beliefs if they could be proven by scientific tests. Here Above in second pic, is described one of his amazing secret experiments whereby he sought.

We have all heard of them, but what are they?

The traditional views of ghosts is that they are the spirits of dead people, which are compelled to remain between the physical and spiritual dimensions, often as a result of a tragedy or trauma. Many ghost hunters and psychics believe that such earth-bound spirits are not aware they are dead.

Some ghosts exist in a limbo state, in which they haunt the scenes of their deaths or locations which were pleasant to them – whilst here in the physical dimension.

Ghosts are often capable of interacting with us in the physical dimension. On some level, ghosts are aware of the living and they react to being seen on occasions which they materialize in a dense form of matter.


A haunting by a poltergeist is the most feared by the living because this entity has the greatest ability to affect us – with evil intent.

Poltergeists are known for unexplained noises, such as wall-banging, footsteps and music. Poltergeists can physically take our possessions and hide them, only to return them later.

Poltergeists turn on taps/faucets, slam doors, switch lights on and off, flush toilets, throw things across rooms, pull on people’s clothing or hair, slap and scratch the living.

Many of us have seen the 1982 movie, Poltergeist, directed by Steven Spielberg. Steven Spielberg is an extremely intelligent individual, and he is fully aware of everything in this movie – the truth behind concepts.

How To See or Invoke a Ghost/Poltergeist:

It is strongly advised not to attempt to do this. However, details are given in Hidden Dimensions, Ancient Magic, Witchcraft, and Vampires & Reptilian Masters.

Signs a House is Haunted:

Not every haunting is the same, and the phenomena may differ. A haunting can range from a door slamming shut repeatedly to unusual noises to full-blown apparitions.

Here is a list of phenomena which may indicate your house is haunted:

• Unexplained Noises: Footsteps, knocks, bangs, scratching, etc.

• Doors, Cabinets and Cupboards Repeatedly Opening and Closing: Most often, this phenomenon is not seen directly.

• Lights, Televisions, Radios, etc. switching on and off: Again, this is seldom seen directly.

• Items Disappearing and Reappearing: This usually happens with items you routinely use. Sometimes they are not returned for minutes, days or even weeks. When they are returned, it is in an obvious place which could not have been easily missed.

• Unexplained Shadows: The sight of shadows and shapes, usually seen out of the corner of the eye. Many times, the shadows have vaguely human forms.

• Strange Animal Behavior: An animal can operate at more frequencies than we humans can. For example, blow into a dog whistle and the dog will come running, whereas we cannot even hear it. Dogs may bark at something we cannot see, cower without apparent reason or refuse to enter a room which they usually do. Cats may seem to be “watching” something cross a room. Animal’s senses can be much sharper than those of a human – except perhaps for legitimate psychics.

• Feelings of being watched: This is actually a common feeling and it can be attributed to many things. However, it could have a paranormal source if the feeling consistently occurs in a specific part of the house at a specific time.

To lure spirits from beyond the grave and trap them with super-sensitive instruments.

Note: Ask yourselves, is the 1984 movie, Ghost-busters, pure entertainment?

Stronger Signs a House is Haunted:

• Mild Psychokinetic Phenomena: Hearing a door open or close is one thing, but actually seeing it happen is something very different. Do you see a light, TV or radio turn off and on? Doors and windows are locked or unlocked? Some people report that when they are in bed, they can feel and/or hear something sitting on the bed.

• Feelings of Being Touched: Some people feel something brush past them, touching their hair, a hand on a shoulder, or a gentle poke, push or nudge.

• Cries and Whispers: Occasionally, muffled voices, whispers or even crying may be heard. It can be music from an unknown source.

• Hot or Cold Spots: A noticeable variance in temperature without a discernible cause, is something significant for concern.

• Unexplained Smells: The distinct fragrance of an aftershave or perfume (or foul odor) which you do not possess in the house. This phenomenon may accompany other phenomena, e.g. shadows, voices or psychokinetic phenomena.

Even Stronger Signs a House is Haunted:

• Moving or levitating objects: Dinner plates sliding across the table, pictures flying off walls, doors slamming shut with great force, furniture sliding across the floor (as in the 1982 movie, Poltergeist, by Steven Spielberg).

• Physical Assault: Slaps, scratches, shoves, etc.

• Other Physical Evidence: Unexplained writing, hand-prints, footprints, etc.

• Apparitions: Physical manifestation of a spirit, which may take different forms, such as human-shaped mists or forming mists of some indistinguishable shape; or transparent human forms which quickly disappear.

What Should You Do If Your House Is Haunted?

After ruling out rational explanations, call the experts. You can make a log of events, however, if the phenomenon consists of the strong signs (listed above), call the experts immediately. An experienced paranormal investigator should be contacted, or an experienced priest.

Top 7 Scariest Known Haunted Forests:

Walking into a forest or woods at night can be terrifying. However, when if the forest or woods are known to be haunted, few dare to enter. Some of these dark places can have a rich history of:

• Battle fields
• Buried Treasure
• Native Burial Grounds
• Crimes and Murders
• Hangings
• Suicides
• Cult Sacrifices

Considering the above, it’s no wonder why forests and woodland can be extremely haunted! The 1999 movie, The Blair Witch Project, is a fictional story regarding an 18th century witch, who haunts the woods. Film students investigate the legend but never return.

The Blair Witch Project, not to be confused with the Bell Witch, was a work of fiction. However, the following forests are not fiction. They are very real indeed.

For the Top 7 scariest known haunted forests, see below:

1) Screaming Woods – Pluckley, Kent, U.K

2) Epping Forest – Essex, U.K

3) Pemberley Woods – Carmarthenshire, Wales

4) Old House Woods – Mathews County, Virginia, U.S

5) Freetown State Forest – Massachusetts, U.S

6) Aokigahara Forest – Mount Fuji, Japan

7) Hoia-Baciu Forest – Transylvania, Romania

As always, if you love my blogs, then please check out my newest book; Beyond the veil.
Good day everyone. It's time for another interesting blog my muah. This week I go back to my roots and talk about how and a couple who's that got us started in this fabulous adventure we call the Paranormal.

As always, if you love my blogs, then please check out my newest book, Beyond the veil.